May 5, 2023

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

It's May! And in the U.S. that means it's AAPI Heritage Month, dedicated to celebrating the culture, history, and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The earliest known Asian immigrants arrived in what's now the United States in 1587. They sailed from the Philippines to California's coast. Later, Filipino sailors settled just outside New Orleans, Louisiana, in the 18th century, creating what's believed to be the oldest Asian American settlement in the U.S. But immigration from Asia to the U.S. didn't really pick up steam until the 1800s. For the first half of the 19th century, Japan remained isolated from much of the world. That began to change on May 7, 1843, the day that a 14-year-old fisherman named Manjiro stepped off a whaling ship and onto U.S. soil, becoming the first Japanese person to immigrate to the country. When an American whaling ship visited the island to collect some sea turtles, its captain, William Whitfield, invited Manjiro aboard. Whitfield later brought Manjiro home to Massachusetts, where he lived for a while before returning to Japan in 1852 as an adult. Celebrate AAPI month and check out these titles

New & Notable Titles

General Fiction Mystery Romance Science Fiction Adventure

Nonfiction Past & Present Science & Nature Lifestyles Business

Children's Picture Children's Chapter Teen Scene

Books on the Air

An overview of talked-about books and authors. This weekly update, published every Friday, provides descriptions of recent TV and radio appearances by authors and their recently released books. See the hot titles from the media this week.

This Week's Bestsellers

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

Justin Cronin

Justin Cronin is the New York Times bestselling author of The Passage, The Twelve, The City of Mirrors, Mary and O'Neil (which won the PEN/Hemingway Award and the Stephen Crane Prize), and The Summer Guest. Other honors for his writing include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Whiting Writers' Award. A Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Rice University, he divides his time between Houston, Texas, and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Check out his books here.

Best May Romance

Whether you're looking for historical romance, contemporary romcoms, or short story collections centered around a theme, you'll find 10 of the best romance books out in May 2023 to enjoy. Check them out here

You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.-Saul Bellow


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