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Our friend Deepansh Khurana is back with his usual deep and thought provoking journal entry, this one relevant for the artists of the world. Deepansh is the mind behind the publication journal.coffeeand a fellow philosopher, colleague, flaneur, and bohemian, in the Soaring Twenties Social Club with me. In journal.coffee, Deepansh explores personal feelings and thoughts regarding life —with a new issue on most days.
in saying artists, i do not mean those who merely practice a skill but those who use their medium to say something. there is always a difference between the two. the artist and the craftsman are different, and they can identify who is who really well. but the waters are muddier for the world, and often, i notice people cannot tell the two apart. and when i say engineer, i do not necessarily mean those with a degree but people who think like an engineer. it could be your local macgyver who builds things that make the lives of others easier in one way or another, too—using their skill to do something. to say and do something meaningful built what we call the world today. the others came along recently and have managed to infiltrate and fool us all. they say that we will soon be out of a job soon. but the arts and sciences will remain till the end of time, for it is essential to the human spirit to think of something new and to build something that makes living easier. that is all our species has been consistently good at. no, threatened are those who will soon be exposed for who they are: frauds with pretend jobs that change nothing on their best days and everything for the worse on others. never before has humanity been more filled with people responsible for so much of nothing, and now, it seems they are all scared. but the arts and the sciences will remain as they have, and they will adapt to the world around them and push it forward as they have. “ arts and sciences are the heart and the head of humanity, marketing is the appendix. we could do with fewer marketers, analysts, and fewer pretend jobs. the world needs more artists and thinkers and more engineers and tinkerers.” Deepansh Khurana You're currently a free subscriber to BoldBrush. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription.
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