Books Behind Bars, the remarkable university class that is the subject of our soon-to-be released new film “Seats at the Table” was featured on the Megyn Kelly Today Show on May 10th. This class, created by University of Virginia Lecturer Andrew Kaufman, connects college students with residents of a maximum-security juvenile prison through the study of Russian literature, changing the lives of both sets of students. The film's mission is to inspire other educators and educational institutions to consider replicating this type of program in their own communities, similar to the work of our previous film “World Peace and other 4th-Grade Achievements, which shared the wonderful work of John Hunter and his World Peace Game with students and teachers around the world. Watch Megyn Kelly Today Show's coverage of Books Behind Bars In order for us to succeed in our mission of creating opportunities for more of our youth to experience this life-transforming educational experience, for both those attending universities or those incarcerated, we do need your support. You can make a tax-deductible donation by clicking on this link: |