May 31, 2021 • View in browser
“In May of 1796, the French Directory ordered Napoleon Bonaparte, its star general, to steal some art.” So begins Lily Meyer’s fascinating review of Plunder, Cynthia Saltzman’s new book on France’s calculated artistic kleptomania.
Equally engrossing is a new graphic novel about the trials and tribulations of a community of cyclops. A parody of the encyclopedic form, Ysabelle Cheung writes that it “encourages us to think about tokenism and fetishization in relation to visibility.”
Happy reading.
—Dessane Lopez Cassell, Editor, Reviews
Seeing Through the Eye of Others
Revisiting History
A Beautiful Guide to Colors in the Natural World, Revisited 200 Years Later
"Plunder" Dissects Napoleon’s Obsession with Stealing Art
A Weird and Wonderful History of Design Patents
Literature & Poetry
André Gide's Pioneering Autofiction
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