
First, Boris Johnson lost his majority. Then he lost control of the House of Commons. On Wednesday, the U.K. prime minister lost a third time when lawmakers voted to block his plan for a no deal-Brexit. In power for six weeks, Johnson is now pushing for a snap election, a move also rejected by Parliament. This time, all he has to lose is his job. —David E. Rovella

Here are today’s top stories

Wall Street rebounded along with European and Asian shares as political tensions appeared to subside in Hong KongItaly and the U.K., while indicators in China and Europe hinted global economic growth may not be as bad as some expected.

Facebook and Google executives met with Trump administration  intelligence officials to discuss security efforts leading up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The USS Gerald Ford is a $13 billion aircraft carrier that came in $2.5 billion over-budget with catapults, elevators and a propulsion system that didn't work as advertised. Now, the contractor that built the ship, Huntington Ingalls, and subcontractor General Electric are fighting over who has to pay for the mistakes at taxpayer expense.  

U.S. President Donald Trump said he never spoke with Vice President Mike Pence about staying at Trump’s Ireland golf resort during an official trip this week, a move that steers taxpayer dollars to Trump. The only problem with that is Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, said Trump did indeed mention staying at the the hotel as “a suggestion” to Pence.

There are hundreds of people associated with accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein whose names should be revealed, a lawyer for the dead money manager’s alleged victims told a judge. One of them might be a John Doe who is trying to keep his identity secret.

Apple is sitting on a cash hoard of $200 billion. One might wonder why the gadget giant is borrowing $7 billion more?

What’s Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director smells a trade deal coming between the U.S. and China. Bank of America’s David Woo said it’s time to start betting on a truce in Trump’s trade war. His argument is simple, Joe says: Going into an election year, it’s unlikely Trump would let trade uncertainty hurt the economy further. 

What you’ll need to know tomorrow

What you’ll want to read tonight

These Are the World’s Most Liveable Cities 

Time to tell your smug New York City friends that they’ve made the wrong life choice: Second cities are taking the gold when it comes to where life is really worth living.

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