October 11, 2016

New consensus:  Over the past couple days, more Gumshoe readers want to know about the latest "biotech takeover" idea from Bottarelli Research Options than any other teaser pitch. Or at least, the folks who ask me questions are itching for an answer to this one... so what is this stock that has insider buying, a new drug already approved by the FDA, and, according to Bottarelli, huge potential?  Just click below to...  
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Weekly Wrapup

Clearly the most-requested teaser solution last week was related to the email that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN NORTH AMERICA has apparently now seen -- the pitch from Dr. Kent Moors at Money Map recommending the company that controls the "Infinite Power Nano-Grid" which will give you 38,901% returns. Fantastico, right?  And he also says that government insiders are snapping up shares... so what's the stock?  We covered that one here, enjoy!

And credit goes to Michael Jorrin ("Doc Gumshoe") for taking over the daily article slot from me last Monday so I could hit the road for the Grant's Conference in New York -- Doc took another look at supplements vs. prescription drugs, and that always stirs up a bit of a hornet's nest... you can check that out here.

After that it was a quickie -- a teaser from Charles Mizrahi that said he's found "the Next Berkshire" and that it's the "one stock to own" for all of us who want to be rolling around in Scrooge McDuck Money Bins (OK, I made that last part up)... this one will be familiar to the Irregulars, for sure, you can see it here.

Then we moved on to look at a lithium teaser pitch from Marin Katusa -- this one required some guessing, due to the relatively light nature of the clues, and the consensus among readers is that I guessed wrong... you can make your own call here, and let us know if you find other lithium stocks interesting (plenty of other folks have chimed in on this one).

And I shared a couple pieces for the Irregulars this week that came directly out of my experience at the Grant's Interest Rate Observer conference -- I first sent around my first impressions and notes, which you can see here...

and then, in the Friday File, I took a closer look at a couple of the presentations and shared some more detailed thoughts... including a small buy that I made on one of those recommendations.  That's here for our favorite people (and recent Irregulars-only articles are always listed in our Irregulars Corner below, in case you missed something else).
Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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