May 17, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

AORN expects to make changes to its recommendations for OR headwear

After participating with other healthcare heavy-hitters in February in a task force that met to discuss recommendations for OR attire, specifically ear and hair covering, AORN expects to make changes to its Guideline for Surgical Attire in 2019. Might this bring an end to the bouffant hat vs. skull cap brouhaha?

Newsletter Headlines

Expert Q&A: Strategies for a successful antibiotic stewardship program

In this Q&A from our webcast "How to Establish an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program," Jennifer Pisano, MD, medical director of an antimicrobial stewardship program, shares strategies for setting up a successful antibiotic stewardship program and answers other questions from safety-minded pros like you.

If you've got an air pressure problem, a surveyor will probably find it

Make a list of all areas that are required to have positive or negative air pressure and ensure those areas are checked regularly to avoid possible condition-level findings by CMS, TJC, or another authority having jurisdiction. Because if there is a problem with room pressures, it’s almost inevitable that a surveyor will find it.

Follow OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens standard to keep lab staff safe

In 1991, OSHA put forth a regulation designed to minimize healthcare workers’ exposure to blood and other infectious material. It largely came in response to a rise in employee exposures to HIV and hepatitis B. That Bloodborne Pathogens standard applies to all laboratorians, no matter where they may be working.


HCPro Product Spotlight

Infection-Free Vaccination: Safely Storing, Handling, Injecting, and Infusing Medications

During this upcoming webinar, speaker Terri Rebmann will explain how improper administration of vaccines can result in injuries or prevent vaccines from providing optimal protection. She will also discuss the components of safe storage, handling, injection, and infusion practices for vaccines and how to put them into action.


Mac's Safety Space

I don't know that NFPA 3000 brings anything new to the party, but...

May 17, 2018


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Matt Vensel
Associate Editor
Hospital Safety Insider

35 Village Road
Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

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