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We’re excited to share that you can now officially sign up for Dry July 2024 in support of Bowel Cancer Australia!⁠

Sign up to the Dry July challenge and go alcohol-free for 31 days to help us raise funds for people affected by cancer.

By signing up and raising funds, you'll be supporting vital services and care for people affected by cancer. Helping Bowel Cancer Australia to expand the charity’s specialist Bowel Care Nurse program, enabling more patients to receive dedicated support from an in-person Bowel Care Nurse.⁠ This is why we Dry July!
Supporting our mission to have an everlasting impact where no Australian dies from bowel cancer and all those diagnosed receive the support they need.
We’d love you to sign up to go Dry this July and raise much needed funds for people affected by bowel cancer.⁠

Bowel Cancer Australia is helping me through this journey that none of us want to be on

Sarah was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer out of the blue in 2023 at the age of 47.

“I have had to stop working. I am filling my time with my beautiful family, physical fitness regimes, and learning to play the piano. Life is very different now. My medical team believe I will never be cured. If that is the case, I will live with this disease for as long as possible.
Bowel Cancer Australia has been an amazing support for me. I have joined The Movement, which is a Bowel Cancer Australia’s nurse moderated closed Facebook group. It is so important to link with others with similar issues, to be able to share advice and support.
There is another group called Meaningful Movement which is all about encouraging us to move and exercise, which helps me to keep motivated on those difficult days.
I have had several sessions with Jo, the Bowel Care Nutritionist. She has helped me with my gut cramping, and to manage my post operative diet to minimise discomfort whilst optimising nutrition.
Bowel Cancer Australia is helping me get through this journey that none of us want to be on and are an invaluable resource for people in my situation.” ~ Sarah.

Please support Bowel Cancer Australia this Dry July and donate what you can to raise funds for people affected by bowel cancer.


Every bowel cancer patient deserves
to have access to a dedicated
Bowel Care Nurse

Despite being the third most diagnosed cancer, bowel cancer patients don’t receive the same level of support as other common cancers.

Bowel Cancer Australia’s telehealth Bowel Care Nurses, Nutritionists, Oncology Social Workers and specialist in-person Bowel Care Nurse programs enable equity of access to personalised care and tailored support nationwide for bowel cancer patients and their loved ones.
Thanks to the fundraising efforts and donations received through Dry July to date, grants from the Dry July Foundation have meant we are able to increase the capacity of our Patient Services team and fund more specialist Bowel Care Nurses, to meet the growing demand for these vital services.
Bowel Cancer Australia’s 2024 Dry July team will be raising funds to further expand the charity's specialist Bowel Care Nurse program.
Our aim is to fund in-person specialist Bowel Care Nurses in regional communities across the country. So they may act as a key point of contact for bowel cancer patients and their families as they navigate the health system in their local area – providing advice, education, support and direct patient care. Please help us reach this goal.


A safe space to ask questions

Made possible through the support of Dry July fundraisers and donations, Bowel Cancer Australia’s free, online nurse-moderated community -
The Movement - Wellness Beyond Diagnosis - continues to grow.
Developed by bowel cancer patients for bowel cancer patients, The Movement provides equitable access to care and offers peer support, community connection, and expert resources to help patients better understand their condition and treatment side effects.
“I have fantastic supportive friend and family. But they don’t know what this feels like. This group does. I feel truly seen.” ~ Member of The Movement.

Copyright © 2024 Bowel Cancer Australia. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Level 2 213 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060

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Bowel Cancer Australia is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).