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A very warm thank you and congratulations to everyone who has been taking part in Dry July in support of Bowel Cancer Australia. Your amazing fundraising efforts and generous donations are greatly appreciated.

Thanks to the support of 725 fundraisers, Dry July 2023 has already raised over $230,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia, helping to create a better life for people affected by bowel cancer, by funding invaluable services like Bowel Cancer Australia’s integrated Bowel Care Nurse program.⁠

With one day left, it is not too late to get involved and make a donation to help ensure every bowel cancer patient receives the support they need.

In the latest edition of The Bottom Line Podcast, Lauren’s warmth and kindness shines through as she talks about fundraising for Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July in honour of her late father.

First losing her mother after a long-term illness, to nursing her father diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer and subsequently losing him to the disease in June 2022, leaving her without any immediate family. An only child, Lauren talks about grieving well before her parents had passed and the coping mechanisms she has developed to ensure she looks after herself. 

"Kindness is key. It is so very important to tread gently and be kind to yourself."

This is why we Dry July.

On Tuesday 20 June, Australians impacted by early-onset bowel cancer from around the country gathered at Parliament House to participate in our inaugural #CallOnCanberra to raise awareness for bowel cancer and advocate for important policy change. 

Members and Senators heard first-hand from Bowel Cancer Australia advocates, as patients and loved ones shared their lived experiences. We hosted an expert panel that discussed the latest research which reveals younger people with bowel cancer symptoms find self-advocating to be the only consistent and reliable source for overcoming age bias, barriers to diagnosis, and optimising outcomes for the deadliest cancer in those aged 25-44. 

But the work doesn’t stop here.  

Given the rising rates of early-onset bowel cancer, we will continue to advocate for - 

  • greater awareness (especially among GPs) 

  • rapid referrals 

  • lowering the screening start age 

  • improved pathways 

  • further research that has the potential to improve survival and/or build a path towards a cure 

Head on over to our podcast, The Bottom Line, to listen to Nina, Adam and Jacob - to listen to three advocates who attended #CallOnCanberra 2023 - as they share their experiences, conversations with policymakers, and hopes for the future. 

If you want to participate in #CallOnCanberra 2024, register to become a Bowel Cancer Australia Champion For Change.


RAM Motorsport driver Michael Sheargold has taken part in Round 4 of the Fanatec GT World Challenge Australia over the weekend. 

Michael has made a miraculous comeback to racing, just six weeks after undergoing major bowel cancer surgery and with chemotherapy yet to commence. 

Following his bowel cancer diagnosis and surgery, Michael created the N2YGT3 campaign to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia with the Mercedes-AMG GT3 displaying a brand new Bowel Cancer Australia livery. The initiative has raised over $130,000, surpassing the initial target of $100,000, and Michael has now increased the fundraising goal to $150,000. 

"With this weekend's visibility of the Bowel Cancer Australia livery on the race car and the exposure of being at a Supercars Championship event, I'm hopeful some more donors will come forward and push us towards our new target," says Michael.  

The race took place at Sydney Motorsport Park. Michael returned to his regular driving duties alongside Garth Walden.  

If you would like to donate to the N2YGT3 campaign, click here


On behalf of Bowel Cancer Australia, a huge thank you to everyone who supported our signature awareness and fundraising event ~ Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2023.

Thanks to all our generous supporters who donated, hosted a fundraiser, or championed our Annual Giving Day and helped us to exceed our target!

A special thank you to all our Champions for Change who attended the inaugural #CallOnCanberra, shared their lived experience, advocated for our #Never2Young agenda, and raised awareness of bowel cancer.

We would also like to acknowledge those donors who continue to support our work yet choose to remain anonymous.

The success of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and Red Apple Day would not have been possible without the generosity of people, such as you.

BONUS $10,000 EARLY BIRD DRAW. Each ticket gives you a chance to win the $10,000 Woolworths WISH Early Bird Bonus Voucher, PLUS you'll get entry into the main $250K first prize draw which includes an all-electric BMW iX3 M Sport, valued at more than $132K. Grab your tickets by Wednesday 2nd August 11:59pm (AEST) for a chance to win! Purchase your raffle ticket today using Bowel Cancer Australia’s dedicated Play For Purpose webpage.
“A diagnosis of bowel cancer can challenge you and your loved ones emotional and mental wellbeing. Psychosocial support can help you build effective coping strategies to manage this aspect of your health during diagnosis, treatment, and life after cancer.” ~ Hannah.  Bowel Cancer Australia's Bowel Care Oncology Social Worker service can be accessed anytime via email or by calling 1800 727 336. This free service is made possible thanks to the Dry July Foundation.
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Photo of a young female podcaster conducting and interview with the heading Facebook Group
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Bowel Cancer Australia is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC). Donations $2 and over are tax deductible.