Dear Reader,

It’s an old — and particularly cruel — trick used by terrorists.

An initial bomb goes off, causing death and chaos.

Then people flood out into the streets. Emergency services arrive. Wounded are triaged.

Just as order is being restored, a second, often bigger bomb detonates.

Such a scenario could well be about to play out in the markets, says Vern Gowdie.

The first bomb detonated last month.

It caused the fastest drop in stock markets in history.

Since then there’s been volatility…but no secondary blast.

It’s coming, says Vern. And you’d best prepare for it today.   

Do you run for the hills, stay in cash and wait it out?

Do you roll your sleeves up and TRADE the volatility?

Do you short-sell?

Do you start taking drastic evasive actions with your superannuation and bank savings?

Do you start picking off good, heavily oversold companies?

Is gold the answer? Do you prepare for a huge gold bull market in the second half of 2020 and in 2021?

As you can see here, Vern predicted the ‘initial blast’ a full eight weeks in advance.

You need to find out what he’s predicting next.

And the plan he’s putting in place for it right now.

This could well be the most useful advice you find that comes out of the whole dreadful crisis.

Click here to learn six guiding principles for investing in a post-COVID-19 world.


Ryan Dinse Signature

James Woodburn,
Group Publisher, Port Phillip Publishing