Health Science's Institute eAlert
[Brain Breakthrough] Improved memory within 6 hours
REVEALED: Herb improves memory within 6 hours

Boost brain power in a single day?

It sounds impossible...

But scientists from the Brain Sciences Institute tested a common European herb on a group of seniors...

And they reported it improved their memory within 6 hours!

Want to try it?

Click here to see how you can get it for yourself.
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Artery "clogging" food SAVES your heart?

Think of the laundry list of foods mainstream docs say will clog your arteries faster than hair clogging a drain.

Meat… butter… even red wine are all at the top of their "no-no" list.

But, slap a "low calorie" or "zero sugar" label on something and suddenly it's perfectly fine…

Even though those are all FULL of chemicals and additives a spelling bee champ couldn't even pronounce.

Well folks, let me tell you that one of those so-called artery "clogging" foods can actually do wonders for your heart health.

So get ready to toss all those processed, "healthy" foods from your pantry… and stock up on this heart-saving food straight from Mother Nature.

Want to fall asleep faster?
Here's a technique...
  1. Touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue...
  2. Then DO THIS.
It sounds weird... but it REALLY can work.
And it's 100% backed by science.

Try it here.
Details Here

Few foods in this world get a worse reputation than EGGS.

Yes, eggs have a lot of fat and cholesterol.

BUT you don't have to run for the hills at the sight of a sunny-side-up egg…

Even if you have heart problems or high cholesterol!

A study study published in the journal Heart found that people who eat an egg a day have:

  • A 12% lower risk of heart disease
  • AND an 18% lower risk of cardiovascular disease-related death!

But that's not all…

The study also found that daily egg consumption reduced the risk of stroke by 26% and the risk of stroke-related death by a staggering 28%!

You see, eggs pack a wallop of great nutrition. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 14 important nutrients—including folate, iron, zinc, choline, and vitamins A, B12, D, and E – all of which help promote a healthy heart.

So, despite the bad press, it turns out that eating the occasional egg ISN'T bad for you.

According to the study, all you need is ONE egg per day to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. That's it!

My go-to egg recipe is easy, simple, and keeps your fridge stocked every day of the week.

When it comes to eating eggs, I love to make hard-boiled eggs.

I boil a carton of eggs every Sunday night so that I have my eggs prepared and ready to go for the week.

Toss in a side of fruit – or even heart-healthy oatmeal – and you have a quick, convenient, and healthy breakfast every day of the week!

Hard-boiled eggs can sometimes be tricky… especially when it comes to peeling the shells. Check out these helpful tips and tricks to getting those pesky shells off your hard-boiled eggs.

To the incredible, edible egg,
Sarah Reagan


Ramirez, Divina. "Food scientists recommend daily consumption of whole eggs to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke."

Murphy, John. "6 clinically proven reasons why eggs are great for heart health."

THIS Nighttime Ritual could improve memory
This only takes about 5 seconds to do.

It requires no "meditations," no weird devices, and NO special pillows or mattresses.

And you can discover this secret for yourself right here. See how you can easily support sound sleep and improved memory, night after night.

Simply click here.