August 2024
Hello Voornaam,
Over the years, we have highlighted 100+ books about the brain in our newsletters. Some of these are on lofty topics—free will, consciousness, morality. Others home in on things that help our brains (like awe, art, or play) or things that don’t (like addiction, pain, or grief). Some are self-help books that encourage the reader improve their brain health through beneficial habits, while others are memoirs about a challenging brain health journey. That’s just the tip of the iceberg! For a full list, check out this section of our website.
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

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New from our Better Brain Health blog!

Why it’s so important to get help for migraine attacks 

Treating migraine is not only important for your quality of life, but also your cognitive function. Here’s what leading experts and scientific research say about the link between migraine and the brain, including the best remedies to treat and prevent attacks. Learn more.

6 simple strategies to keep your brain and heart strong

One of the biggest potential benefits of a healthy heart: a healthy brain. Learn how your heart and brain work together—plus, what you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease and keep your brain sharp. Find out.

11 sneaky ways to get more movement into your day

Did you know that exercise boosts brain health? Here are some easy ways — like “exercise snacks”—to up your activity throughout the day, no matter where you are. Learn more.

In the news

A link between shingles and brain health

Scientists have been investigating the link between shingles and cognitive decline and dementia. The most recent study showed that shingles increased long-term risk of cognitive decline by 20%—but why? Find out.

What your favorite films say about your brain

Do you like to laugh through a rom-com, or get fired up by an action flick? Learn from a documentary or uncover the truth in a crime movie? According to a recent study conducted in Germany, your answer might give some hints about your brain’s emotional responses. Learn more.

Recipe of the month

Sardine, chickpea, and celery salad

Sardines are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. They have particularly high concentrations of docosahexaenonic acid (DHA)—the omega-3 that seems to provide the most brain benefits.
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August Webinar

Pets can be wonderful companions–providing comfort, exercise, and love. But did you know that having a pet can also be good for the brain? Playing with and taking care of our pets stimulate our brains in important ways that promote brain health. Find out how in our BrainHQ Academy webinar, “How Pets Can Promote Brain Health” hosted by Dr. Kyu Lee.
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