December 2018
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Hello Voornaam,
The new year is always a time of reflection, of what you might want to change in your life. I wish you the best in making those changes that help you live happier and healthier, whatever they may be!

Happy New Year!
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

If You Missed Our Holiday Special…
We are offering $30 off any new BrainHQ product through the end of the year. It’s a great New Year’s gift to yourself or someone you care about. Shop now for a gift, or buy for yourself.

Can Computers Outperform Doctors in Determining Consciousness?
When someone is in the hospital, whether they are conscious or not is determined by a bedside exam—but those exams aren’t always accurate, especially when deciding whether a patient is in a “minimally conscious state” or has “unresponsive wakefulness syndrome.” Now, scientists have created a machine learning algorithm that uses brain waves to determine consciousness even in such hard-to-tell edge cases. But should life-or-death decisions be left to a machine?  Learn more.
Twice the Reward of Eating
In a new imaging study, scientists have discovered why people may overeat foods they enjoy: because by getting a bigger dopamine dose on ingesting the food they get a lower dose when the food reaches the stomach. Find out why this matters.  
The Value of Alone Time
You’ve probably heard that loneliness is bad for the brain—but some “alone time” might have brain benefits. What are those benefits, and how can you carve out alone time for yourself?  Find out.

Results from Using BrainHQ in Schizophrenia
In a recent study from the University of California San Diego, researchers found that using auditory exercises in BrainHQ improved verbal learning and auditory perception, and reduced auditory hallucinations, in people with severe schizophrenia. Learn more.

Seasonal Depression In the Brain
Are you in the 20% of people who get the winter blues? There's a biological basis for that. New research has found a direct pathway between a type of light-sensitive cells in the eye and brain areas that relate to mood. Learn more.
Book of the Month
Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari (2018)

Why do so many people suffer from depression? Many would say it’s caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain—but author Johann Hari believes there is more to it, and the cure may require much more than antidepressants. In this groundbreaking work, he interviews scientists, thought leaders, and ordinary people to understand how the problem may lie in our modern society—and what we as a collective must do to change the tide.  Learn more and buy on Amazon
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