December 2019
Hello Voornaam,
It’s the last day of the decade—and it has been a fulfilling, adventurous, and rewarding one here at Posit Science. We’ve launched groundbreaking new programs, seen dozens of exciting study results, heard wonderful results from our customers, and made many new friends and partnerships. We hope that your decade has been just as rewarding—and that your next one is, too!
Happy New Year!

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

Fourteen Months in the Antarctic Shrinks Brains
A recent study on nine researchers on an isolated 14-month expedition in the Antarctic showed that their brains were smaller at the end of the expedition than they had been at the beginning. The hippocampus—important for memory, among other things—was especially affected. What caused the shrinkage? Find out.
Study on Drummers Shows Significant Brain Differences
A number of studies have shown that playing music can be good for the brain. Now, an imaging study on drummers (who have unique abilities, even among musicians) has shown that the corpus callosum—the cabling that connects the two sides of the brain—is significantly different in drummers than in non-musicians in unusual ways. Find out how—and why.
Could Climate Change Affect Our Cognition?
Scientists know high concentrations of carbon dioxide can affect cognition—and thanks to climate change, carbon dioxide levels are on the rise. How bad might it be? While many scientists are skeptical it’s an immediate problem, one estimates that “our complex decision-making functions could be reduced by as much as half by the end of the century.” Learn more about the scientific debate on this issue.
2010 In Retrospect: Research on the Brain
What were the 10 most interesting and important research discoveries about the brain in 2019? Here’s one take from LiveScience!
Helping Your Brain Prioritize
The more you practice, the better you get at something. And the skills you don’t practice, you gradually lose. Those memories gradually get pruned away, making room for more important information. That means you have some active input into what your brain prioritizes, and what it doesn’t: just think about it more, and it becomes a higher priority for your brain. Find out how this works.
Yoga Is Good for the Brain
A group of scientists have recently conducted a review of studies on yoga and brain health. Looking closely at 11 imaging studies, they found that practicing yoga has similar effects on the brain as other exercise, a finding that surprised lead research Neha Gothe. Find out more.
The Blue Zones Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100 (2019)
By Dan Buettner
Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Kitchen, has spent years researching special areas around the world in which people live especially long lives. He has dubbed these areas—found in parts of Japan, Italy, Greece, California, and Costa Rica—"blue zones.” One of the things that increase the longevity in these areas is diet. In this cookbook, Buettner has collected recipes from the blue zones that promote healthy living for longer life. Learn more or buy on Amazon.
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