February 2023
Hello Voornaam,
One of the things that makes BrainHQ different from “brain games” is the scientific research that has gone into its exercises. And in 2022, despite some slowdowns due to COVID, dozens of additional studies on BrainHQ exercises were published (adding to the hundreds of study publications to date). These 2022 studies assessed how BrainHQ worked across different populations, including people experiencing normal cognitive aging, persistent issues after brain injuries, and even mental illnesses. We are grateful for the work of a global team researchers on BrainHQ! Learn more about these studies here! 
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

The Connection of Inflammation to Depression

Major depressive disorders are a major problem—and not everyone finds relief from currently available medications. Those medications most often target brain chemicals (like serotonin), based on the belief that the depressed brain does not regulate those chemicals appropriately. But for many people, the medications might be taking the wrong approach: recent research suggests that for about 30% of people with depression, addressing inflammation in the body might be a better path. Find out why.

Why You Love Your Sports Team

Have you heard of parasocial relationships? In essence, they are one-sided relationships, where a person feels emotionally invested in another person or group they don’t personally know—like a television actor or popular band. People often form these relationships with their sports teams: the team’s wins and losses are deeply felt. Why do sports teams generate such loyalty, passion, and emotion—especially during a big event like the Super Bowl? ? Find out.

What Is Frontotemporal Dementia? 

You might have heard that Bruce Willis—the actor known for his roles in Moonlighting, Die Hard, The Sixth Sense, and other works—has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, or FTD. Unlike in Alzheimer’s, in FTD the early symptoms are changes in behavior—not memory loss—and it tends to affect people earlier in life. Learn more about FTD from a leading researcher in the field.

An "Innate Sense" of Numbers

One historic debate has centered on this question: Do we begin life as a blank slate (needing to learn virtually everything), or are we born with certain innate knowledge? It’s a hard thing to test, given that babies can’t communicate very effectively. But scientists have designed some clever experiments suggesting that babies do, in fact, have an innate sense for numbers—they can see and perceive numbers. Learn more.


Chaos Into Order, On Repeat

How does the brain move from one activity to another—from eating a meal to talking with a friend, for example? A new study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh shows that the shift is anything but clean. Instead of moving seamlessly from one state of activity to another, the brain goes through a period of chaos, zipping between seemingly random states before settling into more stability for the new activity. Learn more.


Book of the Month

Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness, and Productivity (2023)
By Gloria Mark
The ability to focus your attention is critical to cognitive health. But as Dr. Gloria Mark argues in Attention Span, modern technology may be causing decline in our ability to sustain our attention, with negative effects on our productivity, cognitive performance, and personal well-being. The book offers practical strategies for improving attention and focus, both in personal life and in the work environment. Learn more.
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