January 2023
Hello Voornaam,
We are committed to bringing our proven brain exercises to as many people as possible—and a new nationwide survey confirms that people really want access to brain health tools like BrainHQ. In the survey, conducted by Deft Research, more than 9 out of 10 Medicare consumers indicated that brain health was at least as important as physical health. Asked whether they would use a brain health benefit if included in their health plans, 85% said they were at least somewhat likely to do so, with 34% reporting a high interest. Learn more about the survey.
The good news is that more and more Medicare Advantage plans are starting to realize this, with 1 in 4 that offer a gym benefit now offering a memory fitness benefit as well. That said, there’s still a lot of work to do to bridge that gap—and get BrainHQ into as many hands as possible!
Wishing you the best in brain health,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

If you’d like to check whether your Medicare Advantage plan offers BrainHQ, click here.

Climate Change, the Camp Fire, and Cognition

In 2018, a wildfire called the Camp Fire destroyed the town of Paradise, California and other nearby towns, killing more than 80 people. It’s not surprising that survivors’ mental health took a hit, with many experiencing PTSD from the event. But a new study shows survivors also experienced another brain change: their ability to handle distractions suffered. As climate change makes extreme events like the Camp Fire more common, understanding how they affect our mental and cognitive health is critical. Learn more.

From Dream to Reality

If a person starts to “act out” their dreams—such as moving their legs in bed while they’re running in a dream—it could indicate a neurological problem. This disorder, called “REM sleep behavior disorder,” can be a sign of Parkinson’s disease and other brain disease—though can also have more benign triggers. Learn more.

More in Common Than We Thought

Researchers at Harvard have recently discovered something new: that the brains of cephalopods (in this case, squid) develop in a similar way to that of humans—despite 500 million years of evolutionary divergence. This finding was surprising, because scientists previously believed this developmental process was unique to vertebrates (like humans). Learn more.

Social Media and the Teen Brain

A new study shows that the brains of teens who heavily engage with social media are more sensitive to social feedback. But is this a good or bad thing? Researchers say it’s not easy to categorize as wholly one or the other. Learn more


“Flight” Isn’t Simple

Just say you’re confronted with a serious danger, and your brain chooses “flight” over “fight.” Is your running speed the difference between safety and danger? According to scientific research, a fast brain is at least as important as a fast body. If you decide to escape, the speed with which your brain can direct your body is critical. You have to spot the danger quickly, make the decision to run, send instructions to your limbs to move, and tell your body where to go. It’s a lot of brain work! Learn more.  

Book of the Month

The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest Study on Happiness (2023)
By Robert J. Waldinger and Marc Schulz Ph.D.
If you were to guess what one thing was most likely to make people happy in life, what would it be? If you guessed relationships, you’d be right. Using research results and personal stories—many drawn from the Harvard Study, which followed people for 80 years—Waldinger and Schulz illustrate just how important strong relationships are to a good, fulfilling life. The great news is that it’s never too late to form stronger connections to others in your life—and The Good Life offers ideas on how to do so. Learn more or buy.
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