June 2019
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Hello Voornaam,
Three research studies are expected to publish this year showing BrainHQ can improve workplace performance. The first showed BrainHQ exercises can help electric power line workers do their jobs more safely.  

A second will show that the exercises can help law enforcement and military personnel make a split-second “shoot or don’t shoot” decision more accurately.  And, a third will show tech workers can increase their efficiency and productivity as measured by standard tests, imaging, and self-reports.

We love that BrainHQ is helping people be their best. Has BrainHQ helped you with your work, whatever that may be? Tell us about it!
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

The Magic Number for Time in Nature
A large study has found that people who spend at least two hours in nature each week report higher psychological wellbeing and better health. It didn’t matter whether the two hours were split into several smaller sessions or not—what was important was the two hour threshold. This finding held true regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, class, and occupation. Learn more.
Is the Internet Changing Our Brains?
A new report completed by an international team of researchers concluded that internet use can make significant changes in our attention and memory, partly because it tends to makes us engage in “media multi-tasking,” where we flit from one topic to another. What does that mean for the long-term health of the brain? Find out.
News in Alzheimer’s Research
In the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s, there are two forms of damaging proteins: amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Now, scientists may have found a link between the two that may help them discover a way to stop the progression of the disease. Learn more.
Why Study Bee Brains?
A recent study has shown that although they have tiny brains, bees can match symbols (like “4”) to quantities. The researchers aren’t just interested in how smart bees are, though. According to lead scientist Adrian Dyer, this research could lead to “exciting new pathways for future communication across species” as well as “bio-inspired solutions” in computer processing. Learn more.
The Mona Lisa’s Enigmatic Smile
In the Face to Face exercise on BrainHQ, you have to quickly decide what emotion a person’s face is showing. What would your answer be for the Mona Lisa? Is she genuinely happy? According to recent research, the answer is no: the Mona Lisa’s smile is “non-genuine” because only half of it reflects happiness. Learn more.
Book of the Month
Wayfinding: The Science and Mystery of How Humans Navigate the World (2019)
By M.R. O’Connor
How is wayfinding—our ability to navigate our world—a key part of what makes us human? That’s a question M.R. O’Connor addresses in her compelling new book. Thanks to our unique brains, humans across the globe developed into masters of spatial orientation. But technology is making us less likely to exercise our wayfinding capabilities—with potentially negative consequences. Learn more or buy on Amazon.
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