June 2023
Hello Voornaam,
Did you know that we have a YouTube channel that’s filled with informative videos about BrainHQ and the brain? There are recordings of our BrainHQ Academy webinars on subjects such as “Music and the Brain” and “The Neuroscience of Sleep.” We’ve also uploaded recordings of our BrainHQ Office Hours webinars, which dive deep into topics like “How to Track Your Progress with BrainHQ” and “Tackling Difficult BrainHQ Exercises.” Another series of videos shows our two co-founders in conversation on topics such as “The Brain on Love.” Beyond that, there are news stories, exercise tutorials, and more. Check it out at youtube.com/@Brainhq!
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

New from our Better Brain Health blog!

6 simple ways to keep your brain and heart strong

One big benefit of a healthy heart is a healthy brain. Learn why eating right, trying a new hobby, and other habits can keep both in tip-top shape. Learn more.

Zzz...your better-sleep plan starts tonight!

A good night’s rest is key for keeping your brain sharp. Not getting the shut-eye you need? Try our expert-approved tips. Learn more.

In the news

Inside the brains of “superagers”

A study was recently completed on people who lived into their 90s while maintaining exceptional cognitive abilities. By conducting autopsies, the researchers found that the brains of these superagers actually had a lot of the same physical changes (the plaques and tangles) of people with Alzheimer’s—but not other forms of dementia. Learn more.

A breakthrough on the anxious brain

A new study found that a certain type of brain cells—microglia—may play a role in anxiety. This finding challenges a fundamental belief about how the brain works. That's because microglia are generally believed to be the "trash collectors" of the brain (clearing away what's not needed) rather than cells that drive activity. This new research suggests a new and unexpected role for microglia. Learn more.

Brain “spirals” may help organize activity

To date, most brain research related to cognition has concentrated on brain cells (usually neurons) and the connections between them. But recently, some scientists have started taking a wider view. Now, new research has discovered previously unseen, swirling spirals of patterns across the brain’s cortex. These spirals may be important in organizing cognitive processing—and helping us take another step forward in understanding our brains. Learn more.

Book of the Month

The Little Brain (2022)
By Jyoti Mishra
In this delightful children’s book, written by UC San Diego neuroscientist Dr. Jyoti Mishra, a young child asks a brain scientist what he must do to achieve his dreams. She walks him through the importance of practice, focus, challenge, and grit as he grows. With beautiful illustrations by Grace Wiguna, The Little Brain is a great way to introduce children to the idea that they can shape their brains to shape their lives. Learn more.
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