March 2018
Hello Voornaam,
It’s been a busy few weeks!

We were awarded new patents for our inventions that impact social cognition and emotional health—what you might think of as people skills. Read about it here.

We launched a new program for retired pro football players—who face both the typical cognitive concerns of aging, as well as additional concerns from repetitive blows to the head—with the Canadian Football League Alumni Association (CFLAA). We created a program for the CFLAA and their fans that you can visit here.

And, Forbes published a comprehensive online corporate profile on our many initiatives to bring effective brain training out into the world. You can find it here.
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

Need to Focus? Move Your Phone
A recent study on 800 people has found that where your phone is located has a significant impact on your cognitive performance. They found that people whose phone was in front of them—even if it was face down and the sound and vibration notifications were off—performed more poorly on cognitive tasks. Learn more.
Big Changes to MEG
One of the ways that scientists can study the brain is through Magnetoencephalography (MEG). But it’s a limited technology, since patients are required to remain completely still for an extended period of time during each brain scan—something that’s especially hard for children. Now, scientists at the University of Nottingham have developed a wearable prototype that allows for more movement. Find out why that matters.
Neanderthals Were No Dummies
A new archaeological study has discovered that complex cave paintings in Spain were created at least 65,000 years ago—before modern humans lived there. That means the artists must have been Neanderthals. According to one of the researchers, “the conclusion has to be that Neanderthals were cognitively indistinguishable” from Homo sapiens. Learn more.
A Cognitive “Heart Attack”
What happens when a person with psychosis loses touch with reality, experiencing the equivalent of cognitive “heart attack”? Is there a way to measure factors that might spur such occurrences so that we can take steps to prevent them, much as we do with cholesterol level and blood pressure for the heart? Daniel Barron, a resident psychiatrist at Yale and writer for Scientific American, answers these questions and more. Read more.
Brain Structure in ADHD
In an important new study, scientists have scanned the brains of preschoolers with symptoms of ADHD. They have found that even in four-year-olds (an age younger than most children are diagnosed) there are “really widespread changes” in the physical brain of children with ADHD, including a smaller brain overall. The researchers will continue to follow the children as they grow to understand changes in the brain over time. Find out more.
A Brain Video That’s Not for the Faint of Heart
Have you ever wondered what a human brain really looks like? If so, here’s your chance to find out. A neuroanatomist from the University of Utah Neuroscience Initiative showcased a brain in a 2013 video. (Be warned: it’s fairly graphic.) Watch here.
The Biological Mind: How Brain, Body, and Environment Collaborate to Make Us Who We Are
Alan Jasanoff (2018)

In The Biological Mind, Alan Jasanoff, the director of the MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering, argues against the common practice of viewing the brain as an almost disembodied entity, entirely responsible for human thought and consciousness. Instead, he reminds readers that the brain is fundamentally a bodily organ—one that works with the rest of our bodies and our environments to define us. Learn more or buy on Amazon.
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