Brain Fitness News: May 2017
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Dear Voornaam,

Our co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Michael Merzenich is once again on the road, spreading the word about evidence-based brain training. 

This time, he’s in Los Angeles at the Annual International Conference of the Institute for Functional Medicine. It’s the world’s most prestigious gathering of medical practitioners in functional medicine and integrative care. This year’s theme is “The Dynamic Brain: Revealing the Potential of Neuroplasticity to Reverse Neurodegeneration.” 

Given the emphasis on neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to remodel itself throughout life), who better to invite to address the plenary session than Dr. Merzenich? He’ll be unveiling a revolutionary approach to monitoring, maintaining and improving brain health using BrainHQ and other apps and digital therapies. Since you’re already aware of BrainHQ, you’re a step ahead! 

For more information about this event, see the press release.

Best regards,

Jeff Zimman, Co-founder
Posit Science

Zika Virus May Attack Brain Cancer Cells
Could the Zika virus be employed to help people beat brain cancer? A UK scientist has just received £200,000 to find out. He believes that the Zika virus, which has deleterious effects on developing fetal brains, may be effective in treating people with glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. Find out how.

More Evidence for Benefits of Bilingualism in Aging
We have reported on findings showing that speaking more than one language may help stave off memory loss in aging. A recent study from Montreal has found that this may be because being bilingual helps the brain reduce distractions and makes it more "efficient and economical" in how it uses its resources. Learn more.

Special Neurons Suppress Sleep in Favor of Sex
A new study in fruit flies has revealed a special set of neurons that suppress sleep when mating is possible. Researchers believe that a similar system may be present in human brains. Find out why.

Pregnancy Changes the Brain Permanently
Moms: did you know that being pregnant changes your brain, and the changes last forever? An excellent review in Wired discusses the many ways in which your babies change your brain—from integrating fetal neurons into your brain, to changing the volume of gray matter, to effecting permanent cognitive changes via hormones, and more. Learn more.

For Better Brain Health, Skip the Soda
Recent research has found that drinking large quantities of sugary soda is correlated with poorer memory and smaller brain volume. But it's not just the sugar that's at fault; diet soda drinkers are also affected. Learn more.

How to Stop Stress Before It Starts
Do you get stressed out from the pressures in life? That may be due to the habit of "rumination" or worrying about past events and replaying them in your mind. Find 4 tips for keeping pressure in check before it turns to full-blown stress. See the tips.

Book of the Month
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential  by Barbara Oakley, PhD
Mindshift helps us work through some of our preconceived notions about what is possible for us to learn and achieve. It also discusses how traits that may be seen as negative—like worrying and losing focus—have hidden benefits for creativity and success. If you are feeling stuck in a rut, and having trouble moving forward - Mindshift may help you break out and get to the next level. Purchase on Amazon.

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