November 2022
Hello Voornaam,
The holiday season is upon us! Best wishes to you and yours at this festive time of year. 
As we give thanks, our thoughts turn to whom we might help next week as part of our annual Giving Tuesday tradition. We think the folks at Pets for the Elderly do great work, which you can read about here. Please bear in mind how helpful pets can be to maintaining brain health, as discussed by our CEO here. That’s why we’ll be running a brain-a-thon starting Tuesday November 29th to benefit Pets for the Elderly.
As we do every year, we’ll be offering some special discounts on BrainHQ gifts and subscriptions. Keep an eye out for new offers, too: we’ll be introducing a family plan and offering new classes on brain health and BrainHQ. Stay tuned for more information!
Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

Seeing the Past Through the Lens of the Present
Even when we feel certain we remember something accurately, our memories can be imprecise. There are many reasons for this: perhaps we are mixing memories, or another person’s version affected our recollection. New research shows that your feelings can also color your memory—being happy (or unhappy) with your current life can change how you remember feeling in the past. Learn more


Nutrition Benefits Found to Impact Cognitive Aging
Millions of older adults in the U.S. are eligible for SNAP—a program that helps people in need pay for food. But only about half of eligible seniors take part in SNAP. That might have implications for their brains: a new study found that over a 10-year period, those who participated in SNAP slowed their cognitive aging by about two years compared to seniors who did not participate. Find out why that might be the case.


Feeling Less Generous Than Usual? Take a Look at Your Sleep
Study after study shows how poor sleep negatively affects physical and mental health. And now, a new report suggests that it might also make people more selfish. The report looked at three studies: one showed loss of sleep resulted in fewer donations, another indicated people were less willing to help others, and a third showed significant impairment to a brain network that helps us understand the needs of others. This can have profound effects: as one of the researchers noted, "A lack of sleep makes people less empathetic, less generous, more socially withdrawn, and it's infectious—there is contagion of loneliness." Learn more.


Mapping Memory
Scientists in Australia have created a new map of brain connections to the hippocampus—a structure that enables us to create memories. This is the most detailed map of this type ever created, and it held a few surprises—including more connections between the hippocampus and the brain’s visual processing centers than the researchers expected. Learn more.
Crows Are Really Smart
It’s well-known that crows are smart birds—and it turns out they are smarter than we even knew. A new study shows crows can detect certain patterns that we used to think only humans could detect. Research had already shown that monkeys can also detect these patterns, but the new study shows that crows outperform monkeys, and are on par with preschoolers in their ability. This research has some surprising implications. Learn more.


Book of the Month

The Sleep Prescription: Seven Days to Unlocking Your Best Rest
By Aric A. Prather PhD
Every day, we learn more about how important good sleep is to good health—but an estimated 70 million Americans have a chronic sleep disorder. Dr. Aric Prather, a renowned expert on the intersections between sleep and health, wants to help. In his new book, The Sleep Prescription, Dr. Prather synthesizes his years of research and experience in clinical practice to lay out an accessible and effective guide for more restful, restorative sleep. Learn more

Dr. Prather also recently participated in one of our BrainHQ Academy webinars on the neuroscience of sleep. Watch now.
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