October 2022
Hello Voornaam,
Did you know that BrainHQ is available in multiple languages—with more on the way?
BrainHQ is currently available in 12 languages (Arabic, Spanish, German, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Canadian French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and of course English)—and Mandarin Chinese and Russian will be released in the next few months. We look forward to expanding our language offerings so that more people around the world can access this brain-changing technology!
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Best regards,

Jeff Zimman
Posit Science

The Brain Goes to Work When You’re Sick

Two recent studies show that it’s not just the immune system that kicks in when you get sick—the brain actively coordinates the response. Two parts of the brain are particularly important in helping the body respond to illness in ways that fight a virus or bacteria: the hypothalamus directs the fever response, and contributes to appetite loss, and the brainstem tells us rest and eat less. Learn more.

A Clue to Super-Aging

Why do some people retain great cognitive function well past 80, when many others experience some level of cognitive decline? The answer isn’t totally clear, but scientists have recently discovered one possible factor: these “super-agers” have larger neurons in the areas of the brain responsible for memory. Whether they were born that way, or the neurons thrived during their life, is unclear. Learn more.

A Dish of Neurons, Pong, and Artificial Intelligence

Scientists in Australia have combined 800,000 mouse and human neurons in a dish—and taught them to play the classic video game Pong. The research suggests that neurons separated from a person or animal, and without consciousness, can still display a level of “intelligence.” In the short term, this research may help scientists and doctors understand how certain drugs interact with brain cells. But the scientists involved are particularly interested in the applications for creating a smarter artificial intelligence. Learn more.

The Brain’s Response to Petting a Dog

A new study shows that petting a dog increases brain activity in the frontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with social and emotional responses, among other things. Other than providing a scientific confirmation to dog lovers that petting a dog is pretty great, why does this research matter? Find out.

Are There Benefits to Playing Video Games for Kids?

A large study comparing children who play video games an average of 3 hours a day (or more) to children who play no video games has produced some interesting results. The video game players actually exhibited better cognitive function on a range of tests, and they did not show significantly different responses on tests of emotional health. The study was correlational, not causal—but certainly points to a need to better understand how spending time playing video games affects kids’ brains. Learn more.

What’s New in BrainHQ

Recently, we’ve been running a test on which of two training pages (the page you first land on when you sign into BrainHQ) is more effective: our existing one, or a new design. The new one won, and we are now moving everyone over! Learn more about this change.

Book of the Month

The Neuroscience of You: How Every Brain Is Different and How to Understand Yours (2022)
By Chantel Prat
Most books on the brain talk about the “average” brain—but in some important ways, there is no such thing. As Chantel Prat, a professor at the University of Washington, illuminates in The Neuroscience of You, every person in the world has a unique brain, one that experiences the world and responds to it in its own way. And understanding our own brains better is an important task: indeed, Dr. Prat includes quizzes you can take to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses in your own brain. Learn more.
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