The exponential spread of the coronavirus across the world has dominated headlines globally. While the primary focus is on public health, there’s no denying the fact that the COVID-19 outbreak has also put economies around the world on ventilators as businesses have taken a hit. With financial markets experiencing high volatility and entire countries under lockdown, it is unknown how the FinTech industry will look like post the ongoing pandemic.
Around the world, there has been a steep decline in the markets due to COVID-19. The world has been going through a major health and economic crisis for a while now. There have been disruptions to global trade and supply chain networks, which is impacting businesses of all sizes and resulting in market crashes. In the FinTech space, the M&A activities in the ecosystem were live even during this crisis. In this article, we analyze how the M&A ecosystem fared during the peak of the panic, i.e., February and March 2020.

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