| 700 Attended LIVE Yesterday. Did You Miss The Volatility Summit? | WATCH THE REPLAY HERE | | | Good morning — Jason Bond here. | With the markets crashing there are breakdowns all over the place. | Whether on small-cap stocks like SAG or mega-caps like AAPL, the pattern is the same everything. Here’s a step-by-step video lesson I use to either market-cap. | In this video lesson about SAG and AAPL you will learn: | The timeframe or why a 50%+ drop in under a month is key (for small-caps) How to spot the bottom for greatest profit and least risk (either market-cap) Where to take profit or stop out if the breakdown does not bounce (either) Why breakdowns create overreactions and how to profit off that fear (either) How to use the RSI and MACD to improve your timing (either) | I did this on AAPL and made 23% same day. | | | A bull put is a neutral to bullish options strategy I teach and use in the $2,000 Small Account Journey. | | Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed. |
| Leave any questions or comments below this video. | Real-Money TRADE ALERTS: The $2,000 Small Account Journey is where I alerted and made the AAPL trade. | The reason this works better on small-caps is because they breakdown more often. Simply put, you won’t get a lot of opportunities to buy a breakdown on AAPL. | | But because small-caps aren’t usually profitable, they have more frequent bad news. And thus providing more opportunities. | Real-Money TRADE ALERTS: Jason Bond Picks small-cap day and swing trading is where I alerted and made the SAG trade which is still open looking for 20-30% and going well this morning so far. | | Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed. |
| Learn more about the $2,000 Small Account Journey options strategy here. | Learn more about Jason Bond Picks small-cap day and swing trading here. | Eat. Sleep. TRADE! | Jason Bond | P.S. I want to point out that I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD. And I cannot guarantee you will make money. But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade. | | DISCLAIMER: To more fully understand any Ragingbull.com, LLC ("RagingBull") subscription, website, application or other service ("Services"), please review our full disclaimer located at https://ragingbull.com/disclaimer. | FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. Any RagingBull Service offered is for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation, or be relied upon as personalized investment advice. RagingBull strongly recommends you consult a licensed or registered professional before making any investment decision. | RESULTS PRESENTED NOT TYPICAL OR VERIFIED. RagingBull Services may contain information regarding the historical trading performance of RagingBull owners or employees, and/or testimonials of non-employees depicting profitability that are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons voluntarily providing the testimonial. However, subscribers' trading results have NOT been tracked or verified and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and the results presented in this communication are NOT TYPICAL. Actual results will vary widely given a variety of factors such as experience, skill, risk mitigation practices, market dynamics and the amount of capital deployed. Investing in securities is speculative and carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some, all, or possibly more than your original investment. | RAGINGBULL IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR OR REGISTERED BROKER. Neither RagingBull nor any of its owners or employees is registered as a securities broker-dealer, broker, investment advisor(IA), or IA representative with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any state securities regulatory authority, or any self-regulatory organization. | WE MAY HOLD SECURITIES DISCUSSED. RagingBull has not been paid directly or indirectly by the issuer of any security mentioned in the Services. However, Ragingbull.com, LLC, its owners, and its employees may purchase, sell, or hold long or short positions in securities of the companies mentioned in this communication. | *Sponsored Content: If you purchase anything through a link in this email other than RagingBull (RB) services, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. RB is not responsible for any content hosted on affiliate’s sites and it is the affiliate’s responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. While we believe in the companies we form affiliate relationships with, please don’t spend any money on these products unless you believe they will help you achieve your goals. | RagingBull.com, LLC shall be entitled to recover attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements. In the event that any suit or action is instituted as a result of doing business with RagingBull.com, LLC and/or its affiliates or if any suit or action is necessary to enforce or interpret these Terms of Service, RagingBull.com, LLC shall be entitled to recover attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled. |