Living Well Daily
January 11, 2025
[BREAKING] Nutrient Improves Memory and STOPS Alzheimer’s
Finally, a nutrient with extraordinary Alzheimer’s-fighting power is here.

In fact, it’s so powerful, it was shown in a study to STOP the disease in its tracks...

Plus, improve senior memory and mood in participants at every stage of the disease.

But—and this is URGENT—Big Pharma doesn’t want you to see this life-changing breakthrough for yourself.

They’re trying to duplicate its effects and so far, all they’ve been able to produce are lackluster results coupled with terrifying side-effects.

We have the details right here at this secure link.

Please don’t wait for this to be taken down. Click here now.
Details Here
“Habit Stacking” Hack Helps New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Scott Olson Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

We've all been there. January 1st rolls around, and we boldly declare, "This is the year I'm going to lose weight!"

But by the second Friday of January, most well-intentioned resolutions are already gathering dust. There’s even a name for it… National Quitters Day.

In fact, a report by Strava a few years ago shows that nearly 80 percent of New Year's resolutions are dust by mid-January. And other research finds that only nine percent of folks who make resolutions feel they’re successful at keeping them.

Keep reading to find out WHY this occurs. And, more importantly, I can tell you how to not fall victim to this quitter’s trend.

(Article continues below)
Common herb linked to a better memory (within 6 hours)
Can you guess which herb improves memory?

A shocking study from the Brain Sciences Institute showed seniors who used this herb improved their memory within 6 hours.

Click your answer below:
  1. Ginger
  2. Salvia
  3. Oregano
  4. Basil
Find out if you got the answer right here:

CLICK HERE to discover this "memory enhancing" herb.
Details Here
The reason so many of us fail at our resolutions is simpler than you might imagine. Resolutions, such as  "lose weight," are far too vague. It's like saying you want to "get rich" without having a financial plan.

But you can dramatically increase your chance of success by breaking that big, overwhelming goal into tiny, manageable daily actions.

The key is something scientists call "habit stacking," which links new healthy behaviors to things you already do automatically daily.

Here are some examples of specific healthier-eating related micro-habits:
  • Put your fork down between bites
  • Add one handful of vegetables to whatever you're already eating for lunch
  • Drink a full glass of water before your morning coffee
These tiny actions might seem too small to matter. However, research shows that people who focus on specific, actionable habits are three times more likely to achieve their health goals than those who only set vague resolutions.

This approach works so well because you're not relying on motivation (which is notoriously unreliable). Instead, you're building new neural pathways—literally rewiring your brain to make healthy choices automatically.

Here are some suggestions on how to transform common, vague New Year’s resolutions into concrete daily habits:

Instead of "eat less sugar," try:
  • Wait 10 minutes before eating anything sweet and see if you still want it
  • Keep fruit in a bowl where you normally put snacks
  • Add cinnamon to your morning coffee instead of sugar
Rather than "exercise more," choose:
  • Do five squats while brushing your teeth
  • Take one flight of stairs instead of the elevator
  • Park in the farthest spot from every store entrance
Instead of "eat better," make it:
  • Start every meal with something green
  • Eat protein first at every meal
The beauty of micro-habits is that they're nearly impossible to fail at. Can't do five squats? Make your goal one. Can't wait 20 minutes? Wait for five instead. The goal is progress, not perfection.

Remember, every big change starts with a small step. Those tiny actions repeated daily, add up to remarkable transformations over time.

The best part is you can start right now. Pick just ONE micro-habit and link it to something you already do every day. Make THIS the year you stick to those resolutions.

Health and Happiness,

Scott Olson
Dr. Scott Olson, ND

P.S. Seven hidden culprits behind your weight gain.

Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: - and click here to like us on Facebook or click here to follow us on Twitter.

Oscarsson, M., Rozental, A., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P. (2017). New Year’s resolutions: A large scale randomized controlled trial. Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract, 11–11.
Arthritis Pain GONE in as Little as Two Minutes?

If you have arthritis or chronic pain of any kind you need to stop what you're doing and watch this video NOW.

It reveals a simple and natural treatment that patients say helps relieve their pain in as little as TWO MINUTES.

But that's not the most amazing part...

It doesn't stop with simply eliminating pain fast... it goes light-years further by helping relieve and repair damaged cartilage, ligaments, and joints with healthy tissue.

Actual patients who've used it have said things like...

"I'm back to walking 3 to 5 miles every day...
I'm virtually pain free."

You can witness the stories of patients who were on the verge of surgery...who thought they'd never walk again without severe pain...and who were considered "lost causes" by mainstream medicine by clicking here now.

No matter how much pain you're in or how many failed treatments you've tried, your path to a life without pain could be just a few minutes away. Click here now to find out how!

Please Click Here to View it Now