The president just signed another "executive horror" seeking to open up pristine Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific waters to dirty offshore drilling by his Big Oil backers.
Explore. Enjoy. Protect.

BREAKING: In another signal that "Oil Trumps All," the president just signed another "executive horror" seeking to open up pristine Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific waters to dirty offshore drilling by his Big Oil backers. Donate monthly to help us fight back -- your first gift MATCHED with $50.

Trump order could open coast to drilling

Donate monthly -- your gift MATCHED

Unlock a $50 match: Become a monthly donor today to help us stop him: in the streets, in Congress, and everywhere.

We'll send you our FREE "Make America Green Again" bumper sticker

Make America Green Again bumper sticker

Dear voornaam,

Spills and seismic blasting on the East and West Coasts would endanger thousands of miles of ecologically fragile seashore and threaten millions of marine mammals. And drilling in the Arctic, where dark, icy waters make cleanups all but impossible? Nothing short of immoral.

Trump doesn't care -- he proved once again that Oil Trumps All. A giveaway to Big Oil billionaires is all that matters to him.

We won't stand by while this happens. We need your help RIGHT now to mobilize our grassroots teams to block Trump's dangerous, pro-polluter plans.

Rush your monthly gift to the Sierra Club right now -- help us stop Trump from opening protected waters to offshore drilling and blasting.

You'll get our "Make America Green Again" bumper sticker -- FREE.

And a generous donor has offered to chip in $50 for every signup.

Since President Obama was the first president to create a permanent drilling ban on portions of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, Trump would be the first president to undo one -- unless we stop him, by marching in the streets, blitzing Congress with calls and emails -- and if necessary, hauling the administration into court. Are you with us?

Please, help us protect America's beautiful coastlines, precious wildlife, and national monuments from Trump's Big Oil buddies with an emergency gift now. Unlock this $50 matching gift.

Thank you for standing alongside your 2.7 million fellow Sierra Club champions to protect our fragile ocean ecosystems from irreparable harm. We're so grateful for your passion and persistence.

With determination,

Michael Brune

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club

P.S. -- If you've recently become a monthly donor, THANK YOU, we're still processing donations.

Trump photo credit: Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0 Modified from original.

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