The Trump administration wants to give a handout to corporate polluters and let the fossil fuel industry threaten our waterways.

BREAKING: The Trump administration just issued executive orders giving corporate polluters a free pass to threaten our water and put our health at risk—if Trump gets his way, these orders would undermine the Clean Water Act. Become an emergency monthly donor to help protect our health and precious resources.


Dear voornaam,

The Trump Administration keeps attacking bedrock environmental laws to benefit corporate polluters at the cost of all our health and natural resources.

This time, Trump signed two executive orders in Texas that would make it easier for polluting corporate interests to build dirty and dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure in our communities. This administration continues to erode bedrock protections that keep our water and communities safe—seeking to roll back commonsense safeguards contained in the Clean Water Act and undermining communities' ability to protect their waterways and their health from polluters.

If that wasn't enough, Trump made the announcement just miles from two recent environmental tragedies that killed one worker and hospitalized two others while spewing toxic pollutants into Houston and surrounding communities.

We will continue to protect our clean water and our communities despite Trump's latest attempt to threaten them. We must ensure our waterways—and the health of our communities—are safe. We will continue to push Congress to keep and strengthen policies that will keep our water clean and mobilize our grassroots to resist attacks on our vital environmental laws. But we need your help to do it.

voornaam, click here to become a monthly donor today and help us keep our water, wild places, and communities safe from toxic pollution and all environmental threats.

The tide continues to turn against dirty, dangerous fossil fuel projects around the country—but these new executive orders could roll back the protections provided by our country's bedrock environmental laws. We've seen what can happen when we mobilize and work together to defeat polluters and the Trump administration. Together, we've blocked attempts to weaken vital environmental laws, helped cities across the country move away from dirty fuels and toward clean energy, and protected our clean air and water. Please lend us your help today.

Make your emergency monthly donation to protect our clean water and vulnerable communities.

With your help, I know we can win.

In solidarity,

Michael Brune

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club

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