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It’s Alex Jones.

Have you ever played chess before?

Every single move you make on the board is focused on getting power over your opponent.

It’s about finding your opponent’s weaknesses…

And exploiting them.

Right now, this is exactly what we’re seeing with powers truly in control of the world…

They’re trying to exert power over you.

>> Click Here To Discover The Truth

It’s up to you if you want to fight back…

Obviously, you don’t want them to rule over you, right?

If you did, you wouldn’t be following my journey & InfoWars.

The only way for you to win this battle is to understand the game they’re playing.

I’ve put together the very best information for you inside of ResetWars..

It breaks down what’s taking place TODAY to control you.

If you’re brave enough to do something positive with this information, click the link below…


Alex Jones
Founder, InfoWars