We need your help to continue this momentum.


I just got an urgent text from a Free Press colleague who has led our effort to get Twitter to permanently ban Donald Trump.

It has finally happened. Donald Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter.

I couldn’t be more thankful to the tens of thousands of activists like you who signed our petition calling for this action — or more pleased to see Twitter finally stepping up with the type of decisive action we need in this moment to shut down the hate and disinformation that Donald Trump has amplified since he stepped off that escalator to launch his racist campaign for president 5 long years ago.

And as much as I want to go and celebrate, I had to take this time to write to you with an urgent plea. This is bigger than Twitter. Free Press and a growing chorus of organizations and individuals (ranging from Michelle Obama to Kerry Washington) have been calling for all social-media platforms to shut Trump down permanently.

Please donate NOW to help us keep this momentum going — and demand that Facebook and YouTube follow suit today!

It took thousands of blatantly racist tweets from Trump to get us here. There were tweets that incited violence at Black Lives Matter protests, tweets that helped lead to the death of two peaceful racial-justice protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and — yes — a scene in which the president of the United States incited a white-supremacist mob to force their way inside the Capitol and send lawmakers fleeing.

After a series of half-steps, Twitter finally took the full action that we have demanded.

And, it is up to you and me — and all of us who have joined our movement — to keep this momentum going. Donate today to help us keep the dominoes falling by demanding that Facebook and YouTube follow suit immediately.

Thank you for everything you’ve done to help us get to this point in the fight against disinformation and white supremacy.

In solidarity,


P.S. This moment has been long in the making — after years in which supporters like you have fueled our efforts to fight hate and disinformation. And it’s close to a year after we launched a petition that tens of thousands of activists like you signed demanding this very action. Help us keep this momentum going by donating to Free Press today.

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