Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

Back in July 2013, I decided to go ‘all in’ on gold stocks.

There was only one problem with this courageous move…

2013 turned out to be the most brutal gold stock bear market since the year 2000.

Now, I like being a contrarian investor, going against the market to find value and reaping the rewards afterwards. But I don’t get it right all the time. And it can be a long wait before the trend moves in my favour.

Case in point: my first purchases were down by as much as 90% before the tide finally turned at the end of 2014.

Now, I’m not ashamed to admit I made a few mistakes on my journey to eventually becoming the founder of the Australian Gold Fund, my private family office fund dedicated to investing in gold stocks.

In the early days, all I could do was stick to my plans and hold on with white-knuckle intensity.

Ultimately, my contrarian mindset and iron-will discipline is what allowed me to turn a few of those big losers into some of the biggest gains of my investing career…

Specifically, I’m talking about Ramelius Resources [ASX:RMS], Resolute Mining [ASX:RSG] and St Barbara Mines [ASX:SBM] where the profits from my investments in these companies were each close to my annual salary as a former university lecturer.

How did I develop the guts to ride out the tough times? I delved deep into each company, I analysed their financial reports, I had a good idea of how much these companies were worth, even when their share prices were dismal.

I also developed proprietary metrics that help me value these companies. I still use some of these same metrics today. They’re not your usual ‘Warren Buffett style’ valuation metrics either (those will get you slaughtered in this sector, another lesson I learned the hard way!).

So, if you want three of my top gold stock recommendations for 2024 — I’m talking hard-won intel after being in the trenches for a decade — then check out my exclusive interview with our Director of Research Greg Canavan below.

Click here now to discover the details on three of my top gold stocks for 2024.

I’ve made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to.

God bless,

Brian Chu Signature

Brian Chu,
Editor, The Australian Gold Report

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