In this issue, December 25, 2018 View it in your browser.

Brian Goetz, Machine Learning at Netflix, Monitoring at Stack Overflow, Observability at Uber, InfoQ's 2018, Java 12, .NET CLI, Epoc.js, HiveMQ, Scaling Slack

Do you still have training budget left for 2018 and don’t know where to invest it?

Consider QCon London (March 4-6, 2019), a conference for senior software engineers and architects who want to bring innovation in their teams. Over 50 speakers are already confirmed! Register and save £375 by Jan 26th using the code INFOQ75!



AI driven Cloud Monitoring

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Java Language Architect Brian Goetz on Java and the JDK

On this week’s podcast, Wes Reisz talks with Brian Goetz. The two start with a discussion on what the six-month cadence has meant to the teams developing Java. Java, then move to a review of the features in Java 9 through 12. Finally, the two discuss the longer-term side projects (such as Amber, Loom, and Valhalla) and their role in the larger release process for the JDK. (Podcast)

Phil Brock & Paul Hammond on the State of the Agile Alliance

In this podcast recorded at the Agile 2018 conference Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Phil Brock and Paul Hammond of the Agile Alliance about the current state of the Alliance and plans for the future. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. ScyllaDB Announces Major Release of Its NoSQL Database and Support for Concurrent OLTP and OLAP

  2. Microsoft Previews Neural Network Text-To-Speech Capabilities

Solving Business Problems with AI

The panelists discuss using AI to solve business problems. (Presentation)

Human-centric Machine Learning Infrastructure @Netflix

Ville Tuulos talks about choices and reasoning the Netflix Machine Learning Infrastructure team made on developing tooling for the data scientists, and the challenges and solutions they found creating a paved road for taking machine learning models to production. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!


  1. Microsoft Announces General Availability of Static Websites on Azure Storage

  2. DigitalOcean Launches Managed Kubernetes Service

  3. Inside Stack Overflow’s Monitoring Systems

  4. Scaling Observability at Uber: Building In-House Solutions, uMonitor and Neris

  5. Amazon Announces the Availability of the AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region

Building a VPC with CloudFormation - Part 1

This article describes how to use AWS CloudFormation to create and manage a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), complete with subnets, NATting, and more. It's a lesson in treating infrastructure as code when building and managing cloud resources. (Article)

Extreme Pipelines

Cory Jett and William Marchlewski discuss how Mastercard built a CF pipeline, the current state, and what the future holds for automation. (Presentation)


  1. Microsoft Patches Active Internet Explorer Zero Day Exploit

InfoQ’s 2018, and What We Expect to See in 2019

We round-up some of our most popular and important news, articles, podcasts and videos from the last year, and speculate a little on what we expect in 2019. (Article)

The 2018 InfoQ Editors’ Recommended Reading List: Part Two

As part of our core values of sharing knowledge, the InfoQ editors were keen to capture and share our book and article recommendations for 2018, so that others can benefit from this too. In this second part we are sharing the final batch of recommendations. (Article)


  1. Raw String Literals Removed From Java 12 as Feature Set Frozen

Spring Boot as a Teaching Tool

Afua Ankomah and Alton Henley describe their journey learning Spring Boot through the eyes of students of varying backgrounds, describing their path to the workforce. (Presentation)

A Quick Tour of the .NET CLI

Arguably, the dotnet cli is one of the most useful features of the .Net Core wave of functionality. In this article we’ll take a look at how several .Net OSS tools take advantage of the dotnet cli and how you can use the new cli tooling in your own daily development. (Article)

Epoc.js: Open Source JavaScript Brain-Sensor Controller Software

The recent transition from science fiction to reality for the Brain Machine Interface, coupled with Atwood's Law, "any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript," had led to Epoc.js, an open source control software for the Emotiv line of brain sensors. (News)

Building Scalable and Reliable IoT Apps with MQTT and HiveMQ 4

HiveMQ is an MQTT-based messaging platform designed to power IoT applications. Recently released HiveMQ 4 adds support for MQTT 5, improves its extension system, and integrates better with Docker and Kubernetes, and AWS EC2. InfoQ has spoken with Dominik Obermaier, CTO of dc-square GmbH, maker of HiveMQ. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.1 Adds New Consensus Algorithms and WebAssembly Smart Contracts

  2. Simplifying Blockchain Security Using Hyperledger Ursa

The Current State of Blockchain - Panel Discussion (Part 2)

The final two panelists introduce themselves and share their views of the current state of the Blockchain world. We're joined by Richard Brown, CTO at R3 and David Gerard, journalist and author of "Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain". (Article)

CRDTs in Production

Dmitry Martyanov talks about how PayPal developed a distributed system dealing with consistency issues and shares the lessons he learned in developing the system based on an eventually consistent data store. The solution utilizes conflict-free, replicated data types with causality tracking to achieve strong eventual consistency for critical data in multi-master, multi-datacenter DB deployments. (Presentation with transcript included)

Building Resilience in Production Migrations

Sangeeta Handa shares Netflix’s migration stories and what helped them build resilience. She talks about why resilience is important, and what Netflix Billing Infrastructure is doing to avoid taking downtime. (Presentation)

Scaling Slack - The Good, the Unexpected, and the Road Ahead

Mike Demmer talks about the major changes that Slack has made to the service architecture to meet the needs for larger and larger enterprise customers. Demmer presents 3 of these changes: decomposition of the real-time message service, client-side lazy loading via edge caching, and scaling the primary data storage tier with fine-grained horizontal sharding using Vitess. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Manual Regression Testing Manifesto

  2. Connecting Business Challenges and Emerging Technologies

How to Make Cross-Functional Operations a Team Effort

Increase transparency, facilitate the flow of communication, and increase productivity across your organization by cultivating the right approach and best practices in team building. Cross-functional collaboration lets you leverage the power of individual capabilities as well as teamwork to accelerate and improve operational effectiveness. (Article)

Escape the Feature Factory with Outcome-oriented Roadmaps

Lisa Doan, Jeanette Head and Hadrien Raffalli discuss the conflict between production teams who prefer an agile process and stakeholders who want clear schedules and outcome. (Presentation)

#noprojects and The Future of Work

This InfoQ Book explores the past, present and future of the “project” and why running a temporary endeavour is the wrong approach to building sustainable products. Learn how #noprojects is fundamentally changing the way companies work - Download the free Book.