Major Unseen Therapist Relief: Gluten, Dairy And Tendonitis "Properly understood, this is the biggest healing revolution of our time."
Karen Kelley, an Optimal EFT Course Member, shares her relief from three important physical issues. Note, however, that she aimed the process at underlying emotional issues, mostly involving forgiveness. These are the true CAUSES of the problems (symptoms) and, once resolved, allowed her to generate an enhanced level of personal peace. This is the ultimate aim of OEFT and The Unseen Therapist.
Karen, like many others, is learning to release the magnificent healing power within. Properly understood, this is the biggest healing revolution of our time. Her important message is given below.
Gluten sensitivity gone: Hi Gary, My sensitivity to gluten first manifested itself in 2006, one year after I spent a stressful 5 weeks helping my mother try to recover from heart surgery. At the end of this time, she died. I had worked on many aspects of specific events of this time period over the years, I forgave other people, I forgave myself, for various aspects. I strongly suspected the gluten sensitivity was due to this stressful time, because of the timing, and because my mother had gluten sensitivity. Also one of the events involved my having eaten a meal that included gluten away from her (outside the hospital) and when I came back everything started to go wrong for her (causing guilt on my part).
Recently in Sheri's Boot Camp, I received another aspect of the events of this time. Sheri asked us to write on the TV Guidance Channel screen "Who do you most need to forgive?" I needed to address forgiving mom for deciding to have surgery at a certain hospital, where many things seemed to go wrong in her case. Instead of choosing the highly respected hospital where she had a previous surgery, she selected this new one. I believed she unknowingly put herself at risk with this decision. So I forgave her for making this unfortunate decision, and soon discovered that when I cheated on my diet and ate gluten, I no longer reacted to it. I tested myself many times before I believed it But there it was. I was thrilled!
Dairy sensitivity gone: Soon after this victory, I started noticing that I was sensitive to dairy as well. I realized it had been there, but I was not clear about it due to the larger gluten issue. I'm not sure when the dairy sensitivity started. I could not remember a particular event when it began. So I used the TV Guidance Channel technique and asked Unseen Therapist what event was underlying the sensitivity. I received "the time I was three days old and my adoptive mother, a stranger to me at that time, picked me up and took me away from my birth mother forever" and I feel angry now, because it never felt like she loved me and I did not get to experience my birth mother's milk after that.
I asked Unseen Therapist to resolve the anger, I had not thought she really wanted me, but that she was just helping a family member who was in trouble. Unseen Therapist said that she (adoptive mom) just wanted to love me. This was news to me as I have been mad at her all my life for taking me from my birth mother. This may seem logical, but I did not have that logic myself, Unseen Therapist gave it to me as a gift. She just wanted to love me. Wow. New insight for me. I was able to forgive my adoptive mother for taking me away. It always seems to be an event that has to do with eating, or not eating the food I am sensitive to.
So I began to test eating dairy, starting with a small amount, and I had no digestive reaction. Next I tried a larger amount, and still no reaction. Still no reactions and it has been about a week. I am thrilled! Two miracles.
I also believe that something else helped this process. I was reacting so much to food, that I felt there was nothing I could eat. I expressed longing to God of being able to once again eat gluten as it would make my life so much easier and pleasant. This was just before Sheri's Boot Camp forgiveness question. A similar longing bubbled up about wishing to be able to eat dairy before I put the question about what is underlying that sensitivity on the screen. God takes our longings seriously, I am finding out. What do you long for? Just ask. Miracles await.
Another factor in all this is that I was giving away my personal power. I was not there to help mom choose a hospital because we lived in different states. I could have called her and had input into the decision. Remembering that as an adult I do have power and that I need to and am responsible for using it, and forgiving myself for not using it in the past specific events, seems to also help resolve matters.
I hope this all helps those dealing with food sensitivities.
Tenacious tendonitis gone: This morning I woke up with my tenacious tendonitis in the left foot gone. Had been up to an 8 for the pain level, I wore a boot for 4 weeks and rested it but it never completely went away and became worse the longer I was out of the boot. Took several rounds with the TV Guidance Channel Technique to find all the underlying issues. Felt tired so went to bed and woke up pain free.
The new twist in my OEFT practice is to not only address how I feel about what the other person did to me, but also how I feel about my own contribution to the matter, and process and forgive myself for that as well.
Seems to work! I got this twist from a combination of our recent chat about the "Victim Mentality" and a conversation I had with my fellow practice group member, Laurent Sirois, about how to begin addressing the Victim Mentality. His suggestion was to look at taking responsibility for my own issues. So that is working for me.
Thanks for the pointer(s). Karen |