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PM edition, Monday, March 15, 2021

Brittany Higgins fronts March 4 Justice

The former staffer whose rape allegation opened the floodgates for women to ask for justice and safety made a surprise appearance outside Parliament House, rallying women to fix a broken system.

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Women 'not being met with bullets': PM

Scott Morrison has compared the peaceful March 4 Justice participants around Australia to democracy protesters in Myanmar.

Returned travellers to be released from quarantine

Travellers in hotel quarantine will be released at 11.59pm, though those who have tested positive for COVID-19 will remain.

Ex-inmate cries while giving evidence

Subscriber: A former prisoner has broken down while giving evidence about a jailhouse attack that landed him in a coma for 17 hours.

Andrew Barr, Elizabeth Lee attend rally

Liberal members from the ACT opposition bucked the trend of most of their federal counterparts in attending the March 4 Justice rally.

ACT vaccine capacity to triple this week

About 3500 people in the ACT are expected to be vaccinated by Canberra Health Services by the end of the week.

Porter launches legal action against ABC

Attorney General Christian Porter has commenced proceedings against the ABC and journalist Louise Milligan for defamation.


Chilly, wet start to week breaks March record

Canberra shivered through its coldest March day on record yesterday, when the mercury peaked at only 15.9 degrees.

Beyonce, Taylor Swift make Grammy history

Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish took the top prizes at the Grammy Awards but Beyonce was the big winner on a history-making night.

Hodgson not a fan of new NRL bunker rules

It's what no self-respecting video referral system wants to hear - comparisons with the English Premier League's under-fire VAR.

The birth of city's first university

Plans for Canberra have always included land set aside for higher education.
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