Bitcoin Daily – January 7

📈 30 Second Cryptocurrency Price Summary

Current Bitcoin Price$37,939

Bitcoin price broke above the $38,000 mark today, once again setting a new all-time high. The total cryptocurrency market cap has also reached a new milestone of $1 trillion.

Top-20 altcoins perform well for yet another consecutive day, as Ethereum rises 6%, XRP gains a huge 51%, and Monero rises 11%.

Top Stories for January 7, 2021 🔥

👉 Bithumb To Be Acquired For $460M By Korean Gaming Firm

South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb is reported to be reaching a deal for its acquisition by gaming giant Nexon, for $460 million.

Nexon is said to have signed a memorandum of understanding with the exchange at the beginning of January to purchase a 65% stake in the company.

If successful, Bithumb will be Nexon's third cryptocurrency exchange acquisition, adding to its previous purchases of Bitstamp and Korbit.

👉 VeChain Used To Certify COVID-19 Vaccines In Cyprus

A hospital in Cyprus has been using a VeChain-based mobile app to certify the vaccinations of doctors and nurses against COVID-19.

The app, called E-HCert, runs on the VeChainThor blockchain and has also been used last year for certifying test results for the virus for 8,000 visitors to the area.

👉 BitMEX Reports 100% Of Customers Are Now KYC Verified

Popular cryptocurrency derivatives exchange BitMEX has reported that 100% of active users on the platform have now completed mandatory know-your-customer (KYC) verification.

BitMEX planned to implement stricter KYC processes late last year, with the shift being hastened by charges filed against exchange executives by the New York District Attorney

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