Bitcoin Daily – November 6

📈 30 Second Cryptocurrency Price Summary

Current Bitcoin Price$9,365

Bitcoin remains in the low $9,000s today, continuing to attempt upwards pushes through local resistance.

Altcoins appear to be taking this relative stability positively, with the majority of top-20 coins making small advances in price. Bitcoin Cash is up 2% in the last 24 hours, while Ethereum has pushed for a 1% gain.

Top Stories for November 6, 2019 🔥

👉 China Gets Rid of Plan to Prohibit Crypto Mining

Six months ago, China released documentation including cryptocurrency mining on a list of "undesirable" activities, which were to be phased out of the country.

In the finalized version of the document, however, cryptocurrency mining appears to have been removed - perhaps foreshadowing a wider embrace of mining in china.

👉 European Union Looking to Issue Public Cryptocurrency

Following in the footsteps of several countries, the EU is the latest part of the world to consider launching their own central bank cryptocurrency.

The notion arose in an EU draft paper, which was inspired by Facebook's Libra project.

👉 Senator Romney Considers National Action on Crypto

Senator Romney was quoted posing a question during a hearing on homeland security and governmental affairs, regarding the risks associated with cryptocurrency.

FBI Director Wray answered Romney's question, expressing that cryptocurrency was already a significant issue for the FBI, and is expected to continue to grow.

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