September 28, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Personal Finance is out with a pitch about where the ultra-rich put their money during tough times... implying that Warren Buffett bid $25 billion for 1% of this asset, and that Bill Gates has gone to court to get the right to buy more.  So what's he talking about, and does it really provide "$1,452 per month" in income?  Just click below to... 

I recently traveled more than 3,000 miles and shot this video outside what could end up being Elon Musk’s biggest secret.

Most people don’t know about this facility, but it could be the most important AI project in the world.

What’s happening inside these walls is so important that our government has declared it a matter of national security.

Click here to see the details because this will definitely impact you and your family.


Porter Stansberry's out with a good yarn about how the A.I. craze of today is going to end up in the same "die up" as the barbed wire-driven cattle craze after the Civil War, so he's pitching ways to profit from his "trade of the decade" as the old economy takes the leadership back and "new economy" tech stocks falter.  He's selling four stock picks in his package of "special reports" for this "big die up," including some cheap stocks and some high-yielders, so what might they be?  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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