| | Little Paper Fox byCarolinaHunrichse |
| | 20' Tall Video Game bymakefailrepeat |
| | Turn Foam Into a Hyper-Realistic Brick Wall Model byHandy_Bear |
| | A Snail - With a Spring in It's Step byGFW |
| | DIY Concrete Stepping Stones That Look Natural byartsyprettyplants |
| | How to Carve a Ball in a Cage Out of Wood byrasmus_pf |
| | Wooden Disc Player byjbumstead |
| | Protein-Packed Vegetable Momos byKakapoKiwi |
| | Powered Rising Shelf for a Workbench / Outfeed Table byScottElkington |
| | Wireless Tin-Can Telephone (Arduino Walkie Talkie) byFacioErgoSum |
| | Leek and Bean Bake byChaletNaturalys |
| | Dual Trace Oscilloscope byWilkoL |
| | Wind-Up Paper ButterFLY bypotato_chip |
| | Recycled Plastic Flowers - Easy Plastic Bag Crafts byMORENADIY |