No Images? Click here Build a Real-Time Chat App with Sails.jsSails.js is a real-time MVC framework designed to help developers build production-ready, enterprise-grade Node.js apps quickly. Sails.js is a pure JavaScript solution that supports multiple databases (simultaneously) and multiple front-end technologies. If you’re a Rails developer, you’ll be happy to learn that Mike McNeil, the Sails.js founder, was inspired by Rails. You’ll find a lot of similarities between Rails and Sails.js projects. For more on Sails.js, check out chapter 6 of our book 9 Practical Node.js Projects. You'll see just how quickly you can use Sails to build the app, implementing lots of functionality in no time at all. With just a few tweaks you can customize it and make it your own. 9 Practical Node.js ProjectsIn this chapter of 9 Practical Node.js Projects Michael Wanyoike will teach you the fundamentals of Sails.js by showing you how to build and test a simple, user-friendly chat application. Start your subscription today and you'll get access to this book, plus 300+ other web design and development books in SitePoint Premium! Until next time, |