Dear SmartTrader,
The trading industry has you focused on the wrong thing.
Market direction this, market direction that…
Pick the next ballistic stock…
Master the next 200 indicator based strategy…
And on and on it goes.
You will never generate wealth from these things.
And if you do, it will be because of a lucky streak risking way too much.
This is why you MUST focus on compounding.
If you are looking to build wealth, this is how.
Take a low-risk strategy, generate no-more than about $30/week, and you will be able to conservatively compound it into over 100,000 in just 2-years.
It doesn’t matter the strategy, as long as it is low risk.
THIS is why I created the Cash Flow Twin Peaks Pattern report.
My Cash Flow option spread approach was designed SPECIFICALLY for compounding.
The Twin Peaks pattern report is a basic diagonal spread option pattern that has super low risks and can be very efficiently compounded.
If you know how to properly trade it…
And that is what the report is all about.
For example, here is a trade that was filled: