| | Concrete Cathedral Night Light by yueshi | |
| | Panino Alla Parmigiana - An Italian Delicious Recipe by skeeeeee | |
| | Recycled Cork Backsplash by lbrand1 | |
| | Concrete Dining Table With Foam Core and Carbon Fiber Reinforcement by RonaldM106 | |
| | Simple 3D Printed "Walking" Mechanism by gzumwalt | |
| | MMR: Magnetic Motion Robot by TecnoProfesor | |
| | Hand Carving a Patterned Stone by Maritha22 | |
| | De-nailer Deflector by Makerneer | |
| | The Different Useless Machine by bart.blankendaal | |
| | Scrap Stained Glass Panel by Distracted Maker | |
| | Upcycled Cable Spool Ottoman With Storage by justmightdiy | |
| | Remix “Tensegrity” “Floating Table” As a Planter by Astjaeger | |
| | Flatpack Laptop Stand by NewmanSpecials | |
| | 3D Printed Magnatic Stirrer by Max Siebenschläfer | |
| | A Bewitched Book by JohnShute | |
| | Simple 3D Printable Arduino CNC Drawing Machine by DIY Machines | |