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July 20, 2020

Building board diversity

As corporate boards show some progress in welcoming women and people of color in the latest wave of new members, diversity trends pave the way for more tech leaders in the boardroom. Read more ▶

Image: 6 best practices for business data visualization

6 best practices for business data visualization

Like any technology, data visualization tools can be used poorly. We share expert tips for getting the most value out of data visualizations in business.

Healthcare analytics: 4 success stories

These four healthcare organizations are using analytics to drive better patient outcomes, streamline operations and cut costs.

The art (and science) of the IT project pivot

Shifting business needs and faltering progress are just a few reasons why an IT project needs course-correction. Here’s how to recognize the signs and make difficult changes for the good.

Top 15 tools for predictive analytics

Predictive analytics tools comb through your data to divine visions of your business future. Here’s an overview of the wide array of options available today.

5 best practices to secure single sign-on systems

Don't assume that SSO is inherently secure. Follow these recommendations to prevent unauthorized access due to authentication flaws.

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