Good morning, Marketer, it’s fair to say that trust and data are two of a brand’s greatest assets.

They’re not unlimited, of course. But they can be combined to create a virtuous cycle for marketers, as well as for customers, as you’ll see below.

Allowing customers to express their data preferences is helpful because it opens up another line of dialogue with customers. They get customers and companies talking to one another, and that’s a good thing. 

Chris Wood,

2 important ways to build customer trust and brand equity with data

Here are the investments marketers should make to gain a competitive edge while remaining privacy-safe.

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Using customer journey orchestration to engage existing customers during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic raised the stakes on customer journey orchestration, especially for later-stage customer success and loyalty.

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Register now for Zeta Live 2022

Join us as we explore how today’s creativity and micro-moments throughout the consumer journey are shaping disruptive macro movements across tomorrow’s digital economy and marketing ecosystem.

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Whatever happened to customer journey orchestration?

Here's a look at the evolution of customer journey orchestration, its path to maturity, and why it is not going away.

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Webinar: Harness Your First-Party Data For Customer Acquisition & Conversion

Learn the tools and technology that enable the growth and activation of first-party customer data to improve content and commerce experiences

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3 things to know about the American Data Protection and Privacy Act

A quick guide to the ADPPA as currently drafted. It might change, of course, and it's not guaranteed to pass.

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Questions to ask vendors before buying a customer journey orchestration solution

Important steps to take and questions to ask when narrowing the CJO field.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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AI and machine learning in marketing: Are you deploying the right models? 

Three areas where AI marketing can help: marketing data management, customer intent, and opportunity and purchase prediction.

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