NWC Update
Network Computing
July 22, 2023
Building Supercloud Starts with Multi-Cloud Networking
Supercloud, which enable hybrid IT across the entire IT stack, will become a reality, and the path to get there starts with multi-cloud networking.

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The Internet of Moving Things: How to Deploy IoT on the Move
The Internet of moving things presents a different set of network building and orchestration conditions and challenges compared to stationary IoT.
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10 Tips to Secure Your Wireless Network: Protect Your Network from Unauthorized Access
Using these tips can go a long way to securing wireless networks. But keep in mind wireless network security is an evolving endeavor.
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Eliminating Downtime with Internet Contingency Planning
By taking a proactive approach to contingency planning, enterprises can minimize downtime and reduce its impact on operations.
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  • Defend Your Business against New ChatGPT-Enhanced Cyberthreats

    The volume and sophistication of cyberthreats like ransomware have been steadily rising for years. That was before the latest generative AI tools like ChatGPT came along to give veteran cybercriminals a new edge while enabling millions of unskilled criminal novices ...

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AI Workloads Spur Competition in Networking Chips
Cisco announced the Silicon One G200 and G202 networking chips that support AI / ML workloads. How are Broadcom, NVIDIA, and others keeping up? Read More
What to Consider When Choosing a SASE Vendor
SASE technology can be quite complex. There are a wide range of SASE vendors available. Find out what to consider when choosing the best SASE vendors. Read More
Is Neutral Host the Killer App for Private Wireless?
A more modern approach to lowering the cost and complexity of extending cellular signals indoors is driving a new generation of private cellular wireless within the enterprise. Read More
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