Best Tips (April 04, 2019)
Here's another cute way to celebrate Easter. These bunny shaped note cards are fun to make with pretty patterned paper.

Have you shared your family pet with us recently? We have been very low on pet entries and would love to get some new photos of your furry or feathered friend. Plus, you might win $50 in one of our upcoming contests.

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Today's Featured Post

Bunny Note Cards

By HellofromMhay

Finished cards and envelopes.Friends and family will be delighted by these cute Easter bunny note cards.

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Today's Guides
Roof Repair for Low Income Homeowners
Roof with damaged shingles.
Finding Free Knitting Patterns
balls of wool and knitting needles
Cleaning Leather Car Seats
Leather Car Seats
Remedies for a Dog With Diarrhea
Sick pug at the vet.
Growing a Weeping Cherry Tree
Weeping Cherry
Using A Pressure Cooker
Pressure Cooker on White Background
Today's Posts

Stuffed Pasta Shells

Stuffed Pasta ShellsJumbo stuffed pasta shells are sure to become a family favorite. They a simple to make and have tons of variations.

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