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Here are some of the lesser-known ways the capital gains tax might apply to you, and expert tips for navigating the tax. |
Canada is expected to provide more details about its plan to meet defence spending targets in an effort to quell concerns that have dogged the prime minister during this week's NATO summit in Washington, D.C. |
In one week, Donald Trump will officially accept his party’s nomination, becoming the standard-bearer for the GOP in November. A recent Supreme Court immunity ruling combined with a failed debate performance by President Joe Biden has seen the Republican challenger’s fortunes rise exponentially. |
A Louisiana sheriff says a one-year-old 'miracle baby' survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a truck driver spotted him crawling along a roadside the day after his four-year-old brother was found dead and his mother was arrested in Mississippi. |
Despite expectations of lower interest rates prompting homebuyers to leave the sidelines, a new report says the Bank of Canada's quarter-point cut to its key interest rate last month did not lead to a rush in demand. |
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