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"Low quality" content in your Google search results is about to move down a notch. The search giant said it's making changes to its algorithm to demote false, misleading and offensive articles–like a search query for "is Obama planning a coup" that last month produced a blatantly wrong article in a feature snippet, a box that provides a quick, authoritative answer to Googled questions.

That's enough news about fake news. On to the rest of today's snippets. –Emily Banks


President Donald Trump’s plan to slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent is setting up a showdown with House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has called for a tax plan to pay for itself. Trump intends to lay out broad tax principles Wednesday, including cutting the federal corporate tax rate from 35 percent. A rate as low as 15 percent would make it difficult to find ways to increase revenue or eliminate deductions to offset it–that means a plan wouldn’t be revenue-neutral, or permanent.

Here are today's top stories...

How wealthy is the secretive investor who bankrolled Trump's path to the White House? We tried to find out whether the “billionaire” description employed by many newspapers and magazines to describe Robert Mercer was accurate. The search began with a hunt for documents, which included SEC and Department of Labor filings, a 2014 Senate report, an employee lawsuit and other financial disclosures.


The French presidential front-runner has been hit repeatedly by cyber attacks closely resembling those used to infiltrate Democratic Party organizations in the U.S. last year. Emmanuel Macron aides said they don’t think the attacks on his campaign have succeeded in compromising their network. Polls suggest he would beat the National Front’s Marine Le Pen in the May 7 election runoff by at least 20 percentage points.


Trump may be willing to wait on his border wall in order to avoid a government shutdown. He told a group of conservative journalists gathered at the White House on Monday that he could put off until September asking Congress to include money for the wall in the federal budget. That could remove, at least for now, one of the biggest deal-breakers to pass a bill this week that would finance the government through September, the end of the fiscal year.


It's not enough to give employees flexible work schedules. They need to know their options—and they're afraid asking will make them look greedy. A survey by the Family and Work Institute found that two out of five people worry about using the flexibility their employers offer. Adobe has piloted a program that lets any U.S. employee returning from at least three months' leave work a non-traditional schedule at full pay for at least four months, once they're back.


A visa cap on temporary migrant workers is making it hard for employers to fill job openings in U.S. holiday spots. Riding on promises to put America first, Congress didn't renew an exemption to allow unskilled, non-farm workers to re-enter the country without counting them toward the 66,000 person cap on H-2B visas. The tight labor market means stone masons in Colorado, thoroughbred caretakers in Kentucky and waiters in Cape Cod are in shorter supply.


Not your typical nacho

Would you pay $30 for a plate of nachos? Probably not, unless you’re one of those people who likes their food dusted in gold. There is an exception to this rule, however: Bloomberg food editor Kate Krader makes a case for the $30 nachos at the month-old New York City restaurant Empellon Midtown, the creation of Alex Stupak. These nachos are stocked with chunks of crab and tongues of sea urchin, drizzled with a "queso" made from more uni and pureed with softened butter to create a creamy, slightly tangy sauce.


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