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23 March 2021
Business Events Australia Industry Update

Welcome to the latest instalment of industry news from Business Events Australia (BEA), where we share updates on Tourism Australia’s current marketing and distribution activities to grow and support Australia’s business events industry.

We’re always keen to hear about what’s happening in our industry so please continue to share your news and updates and contact us with any questions.

Latest News
Business Events Australia launches toolkit as part of recovery strategy
Business Events Australia launches toolkit as part of recovery strategy
Business Events Australia has launched a toolkit of assets to support industry as part of a broader recovery strategy in response to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. The new initiative will provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for Australian industry and international customers to access marketing assets free of charge for use in a broad range of marketing initiatives, from selling Australia’s business events offering to increasing delegate attendance to confirmed events for Australia. Assets include video vignettes and marketing collateral promoting key Australian business events destinations; information on funding programs; a social media guide; and a suite of logos. Download the assets now via the Business Events Australia folder in Tourism Australia’s Resource Hub.
Domestic campaign generating results
Domestic campaign generating results
Tourism Australia’s latest Event Here This Year campaign continues to generate positive results with advertising live across business press, out of home, digital, social, search and trade platforms. Paid media has reached approximately two million target audience members to date; and recent research indicates one in three corporate decision makers have seen the advertising and 92 per cent of those are more likely to hold a business event in the next 12 months as a result of the campaign. To further encourage C-suites to get back to holding business events, the brand campaign is supported by content partnerships with two of Australia’s major mastheads. Tourism Australia’s Managing Director Philippa Harrison issued a call-to-arms to 'fire up' Australia’s business events industry in a column for the Australian Financial Review, and digital content in The Australian is encouraging firms to 'launch out of lockdown'. To find out how industry can get involved in the campaign, see the Business Events Australia website and download the campaign toolkit. 
Business Events Australia releases results of forth wave of domestic sentiment research
Business Events Australia releases results of forth wave of domestic sentiment research
Tourism Australia’s latest wave of domestic research confirms the desire to get back to face-to-face events continues to grow; with 61 per cent of respondents saying they are planning face-to-face only events in the next 12-18 months, up from 59 per cent in December. Two thirds of corporate decision makers are planning events in the next six to 12 months, although the research also suggests industry should expect the majority to fall in the back half of this timeframe, with just over a third planning to deliver events in the next four to six months. Sixty-one per cent said they were comfortable with both themselves and their staff flying for business purposes. Health concerns remain the main barriers to events resuming, although travel and gathering restrictions and lack of information on how to run a COVIDSafe event are also amongst the top influencing factors. See the latest research on the Business Events Australia website.
BEA meeting with industry
Meeting with industry

Tourism Australia’s Managing Director, Philippa Harrison and Executive General Manager of Events, Penny Lion visited Cairns last week to meet with industry and attend Tourism Australia’s board meeting. During the visit two industry roundtable sessions, organised by its specialist Business Events Australia (BEA) unit, were hosted to engage with business events industry and better understand how Tourism Australia can offer support as we move through crisis recovery.

The BEA team has also joined a number of industry-led events to support recovery, including the Destination North Coast Roadshow where the team presented on Tourism Australia’s latest domestic business events campaign and outlined how industry can work with Tourism Australia and leverage activity. The team also attended the Sunshine Coast’s Showcase in Sydney to meet with stakeholders and hear an update on the region. If you are interested in having the team attend or present at your next event, email Business Events Australia.

Destination Australia Conference in person attendance outweighs online audience
Destination Australia conference in-person attendance outweighs online audience
Tourism Australia’s first face-to-face event since March 2020 attracted a record in-person attendance of 450 guests when it was held at ICC Sydney in early March. With an additional 300 guests joining virtually, more opted to travel from across Australia to attend in person, highlighting the desire to get back to meeting face to face and the irreplaceable value of in-person business events. 
Market insights
Market insights
Business Events Australia (BEA) regularly compiles market insight reports to understand sentiment, trends, and opportunities across both domestic and key international markets, with findings used to help shape future activity. Contact the BEA team to request a copy of the latest report.
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