TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 14, 2016
How Business School Is a Driving Force in America's Increasingly Unequal Society
By Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet
Students are still taught to extract resources from workers, taxpayers and the real economy. READ MORE»
America Produces a Shocking Amount of Garbage: Find out Where Your State Ranks—and What You Can Do About It
By Reynard Loki, AlterNet
The average American produces more than four pounds of trash every day. READ MORE»
The Media's Gift to Trump: Low Expectations
By Neal Gabler, Moyers and Company
When a candidate starts in the cellar in terms of behavior and temperament, there's nowhere to go but up. READ MORE»
Minneapolis Officials Don't Seem to Care Whether Their Police Have Ties to White Power
By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet
Indifference comes amid open police incitement against Black Lives Matter. READ MORE»
Sharing Your Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBO Go Password Is Now a Federal Crime
By Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon
Technically, at least, according to a July 5th federal ruling. READ MORE»
This Heartwarming Video by Interfaith Teens Will Renew Your Hope in America
By Becca Braren, AlterNet
They show the potential to choose the high ground together when faced with everyday hatred, suffering and a culture of terrorism. READ MORE»
Were Bronze Age Weed Dealers the Founders of Western Civilization?
By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
New research says that's entirely possible. READ MORE»
How the Super-Rich Will Destroy Themselves
By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet
There are a number of ways that the super-rich may be hastening their own demise, while taking the rest of us with them. READ MORE»
Turkey’s New Dirty War
By Laura-Maï Gaveriaux, Le Monde diplomatique
Throughout Turkey the police are regularly targeted in attacks; this leads to greater suppression, which provokes reprisals. READ MORE»
Charter School Must Pay California Millions
By Don Debenedictis, Courthouse News
A virtual school misrepresented their students' achievements, test scores, class size, individualized instruction and parent satisfaction. READ MORE»
They're Under Threat of Genocide, and Nobody Is Paying Attention
By Azeem Ibrahim, Hurst Publishers
If we do nothing, the world will wake up to a genocide on the scale that shocked the world in Rwanda in 1994. READ MORE»
Will New Orleans Have to Say Goodbye to Strip Clubs?
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout
A proposal by city planners that would shut down more than half of the strip clubs in the historic French Quarter of New Orleans has dancers and sex workers up in arms. READ MORE»
Rhode Island Cops Accuse Black Man of Assault—but Video Reveals They Attacked Him First
By David Ferguson, Raw Story
“I just thought I was going to die that moment,” Fajardo said. “I thought I was going to lose my life.” READ MORE»
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