Online discussions about the role of women in the church can leave a gal feeling pretty disheartened. Logging on to social media for a mental break or a laugh is too often rudely interrupted by a tweet declaring where women do and don’t belong.
But if you ask female Christian leaders like Nicole Massie Martin, Lauren McAfee, and Susie Owens, they’ll let you in on another conversation that’s happening on the same topic—one that is as full of grace and love as it is opposing opinions.
In a free CT webinar called “Complementarian/Egalitarian: Conversations Across the Divide,” these women and several others gathered to talk about how differing views can coexist and what it looks like for Christians of good faith to support each other amidst tension.
“There have always been theological differences about how women should serve in the church,” Martin said. “But behind the scenes, women from various perspectives have been celebrating and supporting each other, overcoming the traditional divides. As we open up about these friendships, there’s a chance we could discover the tools to help us deepen relationships across other divides for our good and God’s glory.”
May their conversation encourage you as a woman, a friend, and a valued member of the body of Christ.