Cynopsis Media Buyer & Planner Awards.jpg

Submission Deadline: Friday, November 10

Winning a Cynopsis Buyers & Planners Award is a boost for your career and your business. Whether you’re a buyer, planner, strategist - or a little of each - as a Cynopsis honoree you'll be recognized as someone who's tops in their field.

This New York City awards program honors the most creative and dynamic media buyers and planners working in linear and digital content. These are forward thinkers, superb communicators, and strategic executors of campaigns that run on broadcast, cable, and digital platforms. It's free to submit - check out the full entry requirements here

Any domestic agency media department, media buying service, or in-house advertising agency media department is eligible. So whether this describes you or someone you work with, here’s the moment to shine.


For gala or submission questions, contact Marketing Coordinator, Cathy Pearson / (203) 899.8470

For sponsorship opportunities, contact VP of Sales & Marketing, Mike Farina / (203) 218.6480